Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)

HOME PAGE  >>  Doctors of the Institute of Literature

Garibov Islam Eynali oglu
Place of birth Lerik region, Mulalan village
Date of birth 05.05.1954
Education Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University 
Scientific degree Doctor of philology 
Title Leading research fellow
Topic of  PhD thesis:

-specialty code

-specialty name

-topic name


Literature of the USSR nations philology

Muhammed Hadi’s poem “Historic tragedies of people or alvahi-intibah”

Topic of doctoral thesis:

-specialty code

-specialty name

-topic name



Literature of Azerbaijan philology

Literary- artistic heritage of Muhammed Hadi in periodic media of Azerbaijan (1905-1920)

Total number of printed scientific publications:

-number of scientific publications printed abroad:

-number of papers  published in journals indexed and abstracted in international databases

More than 150




Number of patents and certificates of authorship  
Staff training:     

-number of  PhD

-number of  Doctor of sciences 


Basic scientific achievements 1. PhD and Doctoral dissertations on Muhammed Hadi’s works who was  the one of founders of the  romanticism in Azerbaijan

2. Finding and preparing for publication of the about 60 poems and poetic translations, more than 100 scientific, prosaic and publicistic works by Hadi written in Arabic alphabet (50 pages).  Some of them were published in various media outlets; some of them had not been published at all and been included into the books published before and after the death of the poet.

3. Transliteration of Sheykh Safiaddin Ardabili’s work “Black Collection” (Qara məcmuə) and other works, preparation of them for publication with adding preface, explanation and comments (Baku, Javidan-T,  2004, 140 pages)

4. Collecting Alirza Nabdil Oxtays works, their transliteration and translation and preparation of them for publication with adding preface, explanation and comments (Baku, Qoliot Qkup,  2009, 168 pages)

5. Azerbaijani language –textbook for secondary schools and university applicants confirmed by the order numbered 822 and dated 10.11.2006 of the Ministry of Education  (Baku, 2006, 2009; 386 pages, 408 pages)

6. Collecting Muhammed Biriya’s works, their transliteration and translation and preparation of them for publication with adding preface, explanation and comments (Baku, Elm, 2010, 356 pages)
Names of scientific works 1. Eternal fire (historic, ethnographic and scientific- publicistic essays), Baku, Mutarjim, 1997, 432 pages  

2. Muhammed Hadi’s poem “Historic tragedies of people or alvahi-intibah” (monograph), Baku, Elm, 2001, 121 pages

3. “Hayat” and “Fyuzad” stages of Muhammed Hadi’s creative activity (monograph), Baku, Galam, 2009, 148 pages

4. Azerbaijan language (textbook), Baku, Galam, 2009, 408 pages

5. Muhammed Hadi and media – 1905-1920 (monograph), Baku, Science and Education, 2011, 228 pages

6. I am a book, my every page is thousand books (articles about Muhammed Hadi), Baku, Science and Education, 2013, 300 pages 

7. Literature does not recognize borders (articles and essays on literature and culture of the Southern Azerbaijan), Tahran, Arjan, 2013, 406 pages (in Arabic alphabet)

8. Magic of the words, (collection of scientific-critical articles), Baku, Science and Education, 2014, 298 pages

9. Literature does not recognize borders, Baku, Science and Education, 2014, 298 pages.

10. About 50 articles published in authoritative media  outlets of Azerbaija, Iran, Kakzahstan Ukraine

Membership with international and foreign scientific organizations 1. Member of staff at ANAS’s Literature Institute named after Nizami

2. Member of the Scientific Seminar of Dissertation Council at ANAS’s Literature Institute named after Nizami

Pedagogical activity 1975-1990 - teacher and schools director in Lerik and Bilasuvar regions,

2001-2008 – teacher at “Odlar Yurdu” university and Azerbaijan Teacher’s Institute  

Other activities Head of the Scientific Seminar for monitoring the Azerbaijani language and literature textbooks at State Committee on Student Admission (SCSA) expert of SCSA; Member of the Scientific seminar of  Dissertation Council at ANAS’s Literature Institute named after Nizami, deputy editor in chief at Turkish World newspaper 
Awards and prizes 1. Senior teacher of the Azerbaijan Republic (1985)

2. Winner of the “Golden Pencil”  award(2010)

Main place of work and its address Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi of ANAS, AZ1073, Baku, Huseyn Javid Avenue, 117
Position Leading research fellow
Office phone  
Mobile (+994 55) 6752788
Home phone (+994 12 ) 5616064