Place of birth |
AzerbaijanRepublic, Shusha region, Gushchular village |
![]() |
Date of birth | 24. 07. 1950 | |
Education | Azerbaijan State Pedagogical Institute (now: Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University) | |
Scientific degree | Doctor of Philology | |
Title | ||
Topic of PhD thesis: - specialty code - specialty name - topic name |
57 10. 01 Turkic Languages The Ethnohydronyms of Turkic Origin of Azerbaijan |
Topic of doctoral thesis: - specialty code - specialty name - topic name |
57 10. 01 Turkic Languages The Sources of Formation of the Ethnonyms in the Turkic Languages (on the basis of the Urartuan, Albanian and ancient Armenian sources) |
Total number of printed scientific publications: - number of scientific publications printed abroad: - number of papers published in journals indexed and abstracted in international databases |
80 |
Number of patents and certificates of authorship | ||
Staff training: - number of PhD - number of Doctor of sciences |
Basic scientific achievements | 1.The Determination of the Existence of the Turkic Ethnic and Teofor Names in the Urartuan Cuneiform monuments 2. The Exploration of the Turkic Vocabulary of the Albanian Parchment on the Foot of the Sinay Mountain. 3. Grounding the Existence of the Shusha Suzeren State in the Vth Century with the Historic Arguments. 4. To show How Appeared Cults of Asli, Kerem, Shirin and Farhad on the Ancient Asian Pantheon to our Literature on the basis of the sources |
Names of scientific works |
1. Sibirdə Təbriz şəhəri (monoqrafiya). Bakı, ADPU nəşriyyatı, 2005, 216s. 2. Türk, Urartu, Alban etnolinqvistik uyğunluqları (monoqrafiya) Bakı, ADPU nəşriyyatı, 2008, 327 s. 3. Türk dillərində teonim və etnonimlər (monoqrafiya). Bakı, “Victori” nəşriyyatı, 2010, 365 s. 4. Ön Asiyanın ölü dillərində bulqar-çuvaş sözləri. AMEA “Xəbərlər” (Humanitar Elmlər Seriyası), №-4 , Bakı, 2008 s, 42-49. 5. Буда (пешт) в клинописных памятниках южного Кавказа и Передней Азии. Актуальные проблемы гуматарных наук. №3, Москва, 2010, с. 122-124. 6, Simay dağında Alban yazısı. Dilçilik İnstitutunun əsərləri, №2, Bakı, 2012, s. 23-31. 7. Şota Rustaveli. “Bars dərisi geymiş koma” poemasının əsli və tərcümələri. “Türkologiya”, №2, Bakı, 2013, s. 82-84. |
Membership with international and foreign scientific organizations | Member of Azerbaijan History Body | |
Pedagogical activity | ||
Other activities | ||
Awards and prizes | ||
Main place of work and its address |
ANAS Nasimi İnstitute of Linguistics, AZ1073, Baku city, H.Gavid aven., 115 |
Position | major scientific researcher | |
Office phone | ||
Mobile | (+994 50) 6160900 | |
Home phone | (+994 12) 5514772 | |
Fax | || |