Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)

HOME PAGE  >>  Doctors of the Institute of Linguistics

Zarbaliyev Habib Mamad oglu
Place of birth Salyan district, Republic of Azerbaijan 
Date of birth September 24, 1953 
Education Saint-Petersburg University 
Scientific degree Doctor of sciences 
Title Professor 

Topic of  PhD thesis:

-         specialty code

-         specialty name

-         topic name


Languages of the peoples of  Asia and Africa and the aborigines of  America and Australia

Austronesian numerals (language numeral systems) 

Topic of doctoral thesis:

-         specialty code

-         specialty name

-         topic name


Theory of  linguistics

Typology of the numerals and numerical constructions

Total number of printed scientific publications:

-          number of scientific publications printed abroad:

-          number of papers  published in journals indexed and abstracted in international databases



Number of patents and certificates of authorship  

Staff training:     

-         number of  PhD

-         number of  Doctor of sciences 


Basic scientific achievements  
Names of scientific works
  1. Minangkabau languge. Moscow, 1987 (monograph),
  2. Typology of the numerals and numerical constructions. Baku, 1997 (monograph),
  3. Anthology of the Modern Indonesian Literature. Baku, 1997 (manual)
Membership with international and foreign scientific organizations

1.  Member of the International Council of  the Malay Language (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia),

2.  Member of the Republican Council for the Organization and Coordination of  Scientific Researches,

3.  Member of  Specialized Council for defence of the dissertations at Baku Slavic University

Pedagogical activity

-1985-1989: teacing the Indonesian language at the faculty of  oriental studies of  Saint-Petersburg State University,

-1989-1991: giving lecures on the İndonesian and Azerbaijani languages at Leiden University (Holland) (with breaks),  

-1991-1999: teaching  the Azerbaijani  language at  Baku Institute of  Public Adminstration and Political Sciences,  

-1994-2001: teaching the Indonesian language at Baku Asia University,

-2000-2007: teaching  the Azerbaijani  language, and head of  the Department of the Azerbaijani  language at Azerbaijan State Economic University,

-Since 2006 to the present: teaching the subjects of Introduction to linguistics, General linguistics, History of Indonesia, Ethnography of Indonesia, Indonesian  language.

Other activities

-2001-2002: carrying out scientific research at the Institute of Language and Literature in Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur),

-2008-2009: member of  the jury at annual International competition on Malayan and Indonesian languages among students for the award founded by the deputy prime minister of  Malaysia. 
Awards and prizes
  1. Order of  “Culture” (Tanda Kehormatan Satyalancana Kebudayaan)  awarded for merits in the field of culture by the  Order of the President of  the Indonesian Republic dated  November  4, 2009,
  2. “First degree order of glory for the merit” (Bintang Jasa Pratama) awarded by the  Order of the President of  the Indonesian Republic dated  August 15, 2009. 
Main place of work and its address Nasimi Institute of Linguistics of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, AZ1073, Baku city, H.Gavid aven., 115  
Position Head of department, senior specialist 
Office phone (+994 12) 5370446 
Mobile (+994 50) 4935885 
Home phone (+994 12) 4498091 