Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)

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Nizami Ganjavi Center


Address AZ2000, Ganja city, Heydar Aliyev avenue, 419     
Phone (+994 22) 2565829 
Fax (+994 22) 2565829 
Deputy directors  
Scientific secretary

Aliyeva Matanat Ikram 

Establishment history  December 19, 2012 
Basic activity directions  Research of the heritage of Nizami Ganjavi.Actual problems of Nizami heritage, scientific- philosophical viwes, forming international relations, translating works into several language, preparing encyclopedy.
Main scientific achievements 

Has been investigated genius poets life and creativity, actual problems of Nizami heritage, scientific – philosophical views, forming international relations, translating works into several languages.

Has been investigated study named “Nizami's hometown Ganja”

Hold a scientific conference 870 th anniversary Nizami Ganjavi named “Nizami-870”,began published magazine “Nizamishunaslig”.

Nizami Ganjavi`s first four poems were published translating first fixation in aruz.

Prepared first two poems the 1960`s annual critical texts publication and electron variants “Khemse`s 44 miniature” which saved at the Institute of Manuscripts.

Was published “Nizami Ganjavi; decessors and followers”.

Investigated Turkish kings works of Nizami Ganjavi, real life, activity and studied history of legends.

Were published Q.Qahramanov`s and K. Allahyarov`s book named as “Manuscripts of the works of Nizami at the world books treasue” again published poem Hegiri tebrizi`s “Leyli and Majnun”.

Analysed investigating poem Nizami heritage and Mechur Shirvani “Qisseyi Shirzad”.

Was translated monograph Gazanfar Aliyev “Nizami subject and designs in East Nation Literature.

Total number of employees  25 
Structural subdivisions

1.Department of actual problems of Nizami heritage

2.Department of research world of Nizami heritage

3.Department of Scientific- philosophical views of Nizami

4.Department of art in Nizami heritage

5.Department of International Relations

6.Department of Encyclopedy Nizami

7.Department of creativity Nizami translating

Scientific Council:

-       chairman

-       secretary

-       members


Council of  Young Scientists and Specialists:

-       chairman

-       secretary

-       members


Dissertation Council

-       chairman

-       deputy chair

-       scientific secretary

-       members

Trade Union:

-       chairman

-       deputy chairman

-       secretary

-       bureau members

PR responsible person  
Doctors of sciences 