Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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Shirokogorov İvan İvanovich (1869-1946)
Ivan Shirokogorov born on July 15, 1869 in the village of Novoselskiy in Vladimir region of Russia.

After graduating from high school I.Shirokogorov worked as director of the school, consisting of two classes in the city of Vladimir province, Melenki town of Ivanovo region, Russia, he taught history and geography.

In 1896 he entered the Medical Faculty of the Imperial University of Tartu Estonian city of Tartu. In 1900, while still a student, he was defined assistant dissector at the same university, Department of General Pathology and Pathological Anatomy under Professor V.Afanasev.

I.Shirokogorov in 1901 graduated from the Medical Faculty of the University in the specialty of the attending physician, was remanied in the position of assistant dissector at the Department of General Pathology and Pathological Anatomy at the same university, first assistant fulfilled the obligation to lease the same department, and since October 1901 - full-time assistant of the Department.

1907 he defended his doctoral thesis on "Adrenaline sclerosis of the arteries" (Experimental studies). In 1908 I.Shirokogorov was elected to the position of assistant professor of the department, and then taught pathological anatomy. From November 1915 to August 1918 he worked as a professor of the Imperial University of Tartu. In 1909 he served as editor works on nature and the Secretary of the Pirogov Society at Tartu University, and since 1911 - Acting Secretary of the Medical Faculty of the University of Tartu. In 1911 he organized a bacteriological laboratory for in-depth study of the disease Leprosy.

In 1913 he was awarded a scholarship Heimburger and sent on a scientific mission to England, where “İmperial Cancer Research Fund” London Cancer Institute studied experimental cancer. Professor I.Shirokogorov was appointed head of the medical department of the Main Directorate of the Red Cross Society in 1917 in Tbilisi by Caucasian front of the Russian Red Cross Society Congress front staff. And then he was elected as Deputy Chief Commissioner of the Medical Administration of the Red Cross and member of the Russian Red Cross Society of the Russian Committee of the Company.

Scientist in 1918-1919 served as the first head of the Department of Histology and then Pathological Anatomy of the Medical Faculty of the Transcaucasian University.

In 1919, Professor I.Shirokogorov was appointed dean of the Baku University, the Faculty of Medicine and head of the department of general pathology and pathological anatomy of the same faculty. In 1930, after the establishment of the Azerbaijan State Medical Institute on the basis of the medical faculty of ASU Professor I.Shirokogorov continued as head of the department at this institute and worked in this capacity until the end of life.

Professor I.Shirokogorov to May 1920 served as the rector of Baku State University until 1922, then, returned to the position of Dean of the Faculty.

Professor I.Shirokogorov in 1923-1932 was the Chairman of the Scientific and Medical Board and the Organizing Committee under the People's Commissariat of Health. With his active participation was based Institute of Microbiology and I.Shirokogorov became the first director of this institution. In 1931 he was appointed scientific director of the Clinical Institute of the People's Commissariat of Health of the Azerbaijan SSR, and worked in this capacity until the end of life.

In 1934 I.Shirokogorov on the basis of the order № 402 of the People's Commissariat of Health of Azerbaijan has been appointed Chairman of the Classification Commission, organized to award academic degrees and academic titles under the People's Commissariat of Health while M.Topchubashov - deputy chairman. Professor in 1936 was awarded the honorary title "Honored Worker of Science."

I.Shirokogorov in 1944 was directly involved in the organization of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR and 14 November of the same year was elected an active member of the Academy of Medical Sciences.

He was one of the founders who established the Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan SSR on March 31, 1945, and was elected an active member of the Academy. The basis of the scientific directions of the scientist was mostly the study of pathological anatomy of infectious diseases such as typhoid, cholera, malaria, as well as those areas of medical science, microbiology, epidemiology, and bacteriology.

I.Shirokogorov’s merits were highly appreciated by the government and the people. He was awarded "Lenin", a sign of "Sharaf", numerous medals and honorary diplomas of the Medical Institute.

I.Shirokogorov was the author of over 100 scientific papers on general pathology, pathological anatomy and Epidemiology, monographs, teaching aids, inventions and recommendations, as well as a large number of scientific and popular press articles. Scientists supervised more than 60 scientific papers. 15 PhDs, 6 Doctors of sciences.

Soviet pathologist, Academician of Medical Sciences of the USSR and the Azerbaijan SSR, Honored Worker of Science of the Azerbaijan SSR, Professor of Tartu University I.Shirokogorov passed away on September 11, 1946 in Baku and was buried at the cemetery in Moscow, Vvedensky.