Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


Osipov Yuri Sergeevitch

Yuri Sergeevitch Osipov was born in 1936. In 1959 he graduated form the Ural State University, Russia. In 1965 he prepared and successfully defended his dissertation for Candidate of Sciences degree. In 1971 he received his Doctor of Physics and Mathematical Sciences degree. In 1969- 1993 he was working at the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of the Ural Branch of the Academy of Sciences of USSR. Since 1986 till 1993 he was holding a post of a Director of that Institute. Since June 1993 till present he has been a Director of the Mathematical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences named after V.A.Steklov. His main areas of research are Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, including the theory of control, theory of stability, theory of differential equations and practical applications thereof.

He has been an author of more than 150 scientific publications. He was a Laureate of the Lenin Award, the supreme state award in Former Soviet Union, in 1976 and Laureate of State Award of the Russian Federation in 1993 for achievements he made in science and engineering. He was also awarded at various times a range of orders and medals of the Former Soviet Union and Russian Federation.

He has been elected as an Honoured Member and Doctor of a number of foreign educational and scientific organizations and institutions.

In 1984 he was elected as a Correspondent Member and in 1987 as an Active Member, Academician, of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. At present he is a member of Section of Machine-building, Mechanics and Control Processes, Chairman of the Council on the Aeronautics and Space, Chairman of the Committee on the Systems Analysis, the Chairman of Commission on Computer Science at the Russian Academy of Sciences. He is also an editor-in-chief of the "Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics" journal and the Chairman of Editorial Board of the "Science and Humanity" year-book.

In December 1991 he was elected as a President of the Russian Academy of Sciences for five year term. In 1996 he was re-elected for the next term as a President of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

In 2002 the Academician Osipov was elected as an Honoured Member of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences.