Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)

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Suleymanov Nizami Mammad oglu
Suleymanov Nizami Mammad oglu was born on October 25, 1945 in Ranjbar village of Ali Bayramli district. He graduated from the Mechanical faculty of the Azerbaijan Polytechnic Institute with a degree in mechanical engineering (1966). He was awarded the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Technical Sciences (1975) and Doctor of Technical Sciences (1989). He was elected Corresponding Member of the AAS in 1989.

He worked at Baku Refrigeration Plant as an engineer, laboratory manager, department head (1971-1972, 1975-1979), head of department at the Institute of Physics (1979-1980). Since 1980 he has been the Director of “Crystal”.

N. Suleymanov's scientific activity is related to the study of the acquisition of high-dispersed steel structure. Based on these studies, he worked on the scientific basis for the production of solid-steel steel and their thermal reinforcement.

N. Suleymanov is the author of 202 scientific works (181 abroad), 56 copyright certificates and patents. Under his guidance 15 doctors of philosophy and 6 doctors of sciences were trained.

He is an inventor of the USSR (1983). He was awarded the “Gold Medal” of the All-Union Achievements Exhibition (1983) and the “Order of the Red Labor Flag” (1987).

N. Suleymanov died on December 2, 2016.
