Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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Abasov İsmayil Teymur oglu
Abasov Ismayil Teymur was born on August 21, 1922 in Baku. Graduated from Azerbaijan Medical Institute (AMI) (1943).

He defended PhD in Medicine (1954) and Doctor of Sciences (1966). Professor (1967), he was elected as a corresponding member of the Azerbaijan SSR Academy of Sciences (1989).

T. Abbasov was a doctor in Second World War (1943-1946); Professor at the Therapeutic Department at AMI (1946-1950), Professor (1967); Head of the Therapeutic Department at the Institute of Radiology, Radiology and Oncology (1949-1968); Head of Therapeutic Department at the ET Gastroenterology Institute (1988-2001), Scientific Advisor (2001-2006).

The scientific and medical activity of T. Abbasov was multifaceted. He has conducted a number of fundamental studies in the field of hematology, oncology, gastroenterology and has made significant progress in medicine. He has studied chromatographic analysis of free amino acids in gastric juice diagnosis, colon cancer, the importance of examination of Enteropeptidase, as well as external secretory function of the pancreas in the pancreas, stomach, liver and bile ducts. He is the author of the laboratory diagnostic method of gastric and 12-finger intestinal obstruction. For the first time, he has identified excretory function of liver through bromsulphalene in various diseases of the liver, has conducted studies on stomach, gallbladder and bile ducts, epidemiology of gastrointestinal tract in Azerbaijan.

Corresponding member of T.Abasov's scientific activity has been published in more than 300 scientific works and 15 monographs published in the Republic and abroad. 6 doctoral dissertation and 6 PhD theses defended Under his scientific supervision.

Scientist was a member of the board of the All-Union Gastroenterologists and Therapists Society (1976), member of the Commission on Gastroenterological Problems of the USSR TEA (1980-2008), Member of the Presidium of the Scientific Medical Council of the Ministry of Health (1968), Chief Gastroenterologist of the Ministry (1970), Azerbaijan Gastroenterologists Society (1970-2008).

He was awarded the Orders of the First and Second Class "Homeland War" (1944, 1945), "Red Star" (1946), "Battle For Courage" (1944), "Victory over Germany in 1941-1945" (1945) . Honored Scientist (1984) and laureate of the Azerbaijan SSR State Prize.

Correspondent member Ismayil Abasov died in 2006 in Baku.
