Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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Abdullayev Asgar Alakbar oglu
Abdullayev Asker Alakbar oglu was born on January 1, 1927 in Eyvazli village of Gubadly region.

In 1949 he graduated from the Energy Engineering faculty of the Azerbaijan Industrial Institute. He gained PhD in Technical Sciences (1953), Doctor of Sciences (1969), Ph.D. (1970), elected corresponding Member of the AAS (1969).

Head of Laboratory at the Azerbaijan Petroleum Mechanization Institute (1954), Deputy Director of Neftkimyaavtomat ETLI (1957), Director since 1959, General Director of Neftkimyaavtomat EIB (since 1985), Senior Scientific Advisor (since 1994).

The main directions of A.A.Abdullayev's scientific activity were the creation of automated control systems for oil, gas, petrochemical, oil refining facilities. For the first time, the company has proposed a unified technical, informational and organizational security multilevel multi-stakeholder system for the automation of oil industry. For the first time in the former Soviet Union, a complex automation project of the oil extraction enterprise was developed, the first AIS system of technological processes - "Krekinq" was put into industrial operation, for the first time in these systems the adaptive management principle was realized. For the first time in the oil industry, BashTumenNeftGaz, KhazarOilGas, Manchishlagneft, Uzenneft PU have been created directly for gas production by gasification.

Control-computing telecomplexes with micro-ECM and integrated circuits based on radio and cable communication channels, TM-Gas for Micro-Viking welding, Oil & Gas extraction (for Urenqoy gas-condensing field), TM for vertical drainage TM-Shelf and Neptune complexes for drainage, offshore oilfields and drilling facilities have been established.

Control-computing telecomplexes with micro-ECM and integrated circuits based on radio and cable communication channels, TM-Gas for Micro-Viking welding, Oil & Gas extraction (for Urengoy gas-condensing field), TM for vertical drainage TM-Shelf and Neptune complexes for drainage, offshore oilfields and drilling facilities have been established. For the first time, optimal management issues have been solved in a variety of ways to create multi-level management systems of oil-producing facilities (Baku system). For regions with acute climatic conditions (western Siberian regions, Urenkoy, etc.), temperate-to-microprocessor terminals (Aras terminal) were developed at 50 ° C. In order to increase oil production based on the use of continental shelf facilities, local control systems for drilling of marine exploration wells in deep waters have been created, floating drilling rigs for drilling of 6000 m exploration wells at a depth of 200 meters at the continental shelf have been created and manufactured in series. The scientific school created in the field of AIS in the oil industry is well-known in the near and far abroad. He has authored 19 books and over 200 articles and over 70 inventions. More than 50 candidates and doctoral dissertations have been defended. He was awarded the October Revolution (1976), the Red Banner of Labor (1971), the Order of Honor (1966), and the Occupational Dignity Award (1970).

He was awarded the State Prize Laureate of the USSR for the first time in the field of technology (1969), laureate of the USSR Council of Ministers Award (1988) and honored engineer.

Corresponding member of ANAS Asgar Abdullayev died in Baku in 1998.
