Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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Badalov Rza Abdul oglu
Badalov Rza was born on September 25, 1915 in Baku.

In 1941 he graduated from Azerbaijan Industrial Institute. He received Ph.D. in Technical Sciences (1953), Doctor of Science (1965), Professor (1966), and in 1968 was elected as Corresponding Member of the AAS.

R.Badalov worked as, engineer-designer, head of workshop (1941-1944) at Azizbeyovneft, associate professor, assistant professor, dean, dean, head of theoretical mechanics (1947-1968) at AII, Rector and head of the Azerbaijan Polytechnic Institute (1968-1976), chief at Oil Refining Mechanics, Mechanics and Mechanics Department of AII.

Scientific work of R.Badalov is dedicated to the study of the theory and practice of mining machinery and mechanisms, the determination of the optimal parameters of the forming of rodents and the placement of the elements. Theoretical and experimental researches in the field of mining rock mechanics, oil and gas wells drilling techniques and technology have enabled the solution of many problems encountered in mining and have been successfully applied in production.

R. Badalov is the author of more than 100 scientific articles and monographs.

R. Badalov was awarded with the Order of the Red Banner, the Medal "For Labor Retaliation".

Corresponding member of ANAS Rza Badalov died in Baku in 1987.
