Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)

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Alesgerov Agaselim Kerim oglu
Corresponding member of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences Agasalim Kerim oglu Alasgarov was born on May 22, 1928 in Baku. In 1950, he graduated from Azerbaijan State Institute of National Economy, earned a degree in economics in agriculture. In 1958 he defended his PhD for the first time in the USSR on the theme "Cotton cost and ways of its reduction", Doctor of Sciences in 1968 and became Professor in 1969. A. Alasgarov worked as the pro-rector on scientific affairs and the head of the Political Economy Department at the Institute of National Economy named after D.Bunyadzade in 1974-1978. From 1981 to 1988 he was Deputy Director of the Institute of Economy of ANAS, from 1989 to 1998, Director of the Institute. In 1989 he was elected as a corresponding member of ANAS.

From the beginning of his scientific activity A. Alasgarov developed the first method of calculating the cost value of collective farms in the USSR, one of the most acute and actual problems of the agrarian sector in the USSR, ways of reducing the costs of agricultural production, development of exemplary regulations on transferring production units to the domestic economy, applying the principle of interest, improving labor productivity, the norms of agricultural work, their prices, the rules for paying basic and additional wages, and other important issues.

A. Alasgarov fully demonstrated the economic potential of each region in agricultural production and proved the effectiveness of the specialization by improving the economic turnover.

A. Alasgarov's works are published in USA, England, Germany, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Iran and other countries.

"Ways to Reduce Leanage of Cotton in Collective farm" (1960), "Estimated norms of basic agricultural work in the collective farms of Azerbaijan SSR, their prices, basic and additional salary rules" (1962) and other books.

Correspondent member of ANAS Agasalim Alasgarov died in Baku in 2015.
