Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)

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Aliyev Agil Alirza oglu
Corresponding member of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences Agil Alirza oglu Aliyev was born on December 10, 1926 in Nakhchivan city. In 1951 he graduated from Baku State University. Until 1953 he worked as a scientific researcher at the Institute of History of the Azerbaijan SSR Academy of Sciences.

Since May 1953, he worked at the Political Economy Department of the Azerbaijan Medical Institute.

A. Aliyev received Ph.D. in economics in 1970, associate professor in 1973, professor in 1979, and in 1983 he received his doctorate in economics.

In June 2001 he was elected a corresponding member of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences.

In 1982 he was awarded the title of Honored Scientist, with several orders and medals, he was awarded the badge "Healthcare Master".

A. Aliyev was dealing with the problems of living standards, consumption and economy of social spheres. The scientist is the author of more than 130 scientific works, including 19 monographs and books. Several of his works were published in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other foreign countries.

A.Aliyev examined the first time in Azerbaijan "The economy of private consumption", "The medicine economy", "People's consumption", "Actual problems of agrarian economy" and others. He is the author of numerous monographs. The scientist has justified the refusal to finance social spheres, including the residual principle of health, with specific facts. His research focuses on the relationship between the development of healthcare and economic development that are essential for the development of quality human development. He has conducted studies on health care planning, dynamic growth of spending, improvement of demographic development indicators.

A.Aliyev made presentations at international and republican conferences, symposia and seminars.

He has been closely involved in the development of the complex program of scientific and technical development of Azerbaijan in 1986-2005, and was chairman of the problem commission "Protection of population's health".

Corresponding member of ANAS Aqil Aliyev died on March 7, 2006 in Baku.
