Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)

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Alizadeh Agasemed Abdulhuseyn oglu

Alizadeh Agasamed Abdulhuseyn oglu was born on March 8, 1909 in Samakhi. In 1931 he graduated from the Faculty of Energy of the Azerbaijan Industrial Institute. He was awarded the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Technology (1940), Doctor of Technical Sciences (1948), and Professor in 1949, and in 1968 was elected Corresponding Member of the IAE.

A. Alizadeh studied the basic parameters of lightning discharge in the eastern expedition of the Azerbaijan Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1938-1940). He was the First Deputy Chairman of the Executive Power of Baku (1941-1944), Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Azerbaijan SSR (1944-1948). Researcher at the Institute of Energy of the USSR (1948-1950), Senior Researcher (1950-1954), Head of Department at Azerbaijan Polytechnic Institute (1954-1958), Head of Department at Azerbaijan Energy Institute (1959-1962), Director (1962) -1980), Head of Laboratory of Lightning Discharges and Lightning Protection.

During his work at the Institute of Energy of the USSR, A. Alizadeh was directly involved in the lightning protection of the Kuybyshev-Moscow 500 kV line and a number of state-owned facilities.

He is the author of over 220 scientific works, 6 monographs and more than 10 inventions. More than 20 doctors of philosophy and doctor of sciences have been trained under his supervision.

A. Alizadeh was twice awarded the Order of the Red Labor of the USSR.

Corresponding member of ANAS Agasamad Alizadeh died in 1990 in Baku.
