Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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Alizadeh Elbrus Kerim oglu
Elbrus Alizadeh was born on March 4, 1957 in Agdash, Alabir region, and graduated from secondary school in Agdash. In 1979 he graduated from the geography department of geological and geographical faculty of ASU (present BSU). After graduation diversion was sent to work in the Institute of Geography of the Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences, where he held the position of senior laboratory assistant to the head of sector, chief scientific officer and deputy director.

In 1984 he defended his thesis on "Morphostructural analysis of the southern slope of the South-Eastern Caucasus using materials deciphering satellite images", in 2004 - his doctoral thesis "Patterns of differentiation morphostructural mountain structures of the eastern segment of the central part of the Alpine-Himalayan suture zone". In 2014 he was elected as a corresponding member of ANAS.

Since 1992, the scientist has lectured at the Faculty of Geography, BSU. Since 2005 he was a professor of the department "Physical geography" of the same faculty.

E. Alizadeh was the author of over 250 scientific papers. The scientist made a great contribution to the training of highly qualified scientific personnel. He prepared 7 doctors of philosophy in the field of geography.

For the first time scientists held interpretation of morphological structure of the mountainous regions of Azerbaijan on the basis of the COP materials geomorphological risk assessment study of geodynamic intense territories, research ekogeomorfological geosystems mountains of the Greater and Lesser Caucasus, degree of influence complex endo- and exodynamic factors in the formation of modern mountain ecogeocomplexes.

The scientist was a member of the Supervisory Board of Scientific Centre "Sustainable mountain development" of UNESCO, since 2008 a member of the Expert Council in "Earth Sciences" of the Higher Attestation Commission under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, and since 2011 - scientific secretary.

For creative contribution to science and the tireless efforts by the the Order of AR President dated May 26, 2016the scientist was awarded the State Prize of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

The memory of a glorious past career Elbrus Alizadeh will always live in the hearts of those who knew him.

Famous scientist, laureate of State Prize of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Deputy Director for Science of Institute of Geography, correspondent member of ANAS Alizadeh Elbrus died on December 29 at age 59.
