Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)

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Amanzadeh Yusif Aman oglu
Amanzadeh Yusif Aman was born on 18 February 1914 in Baku. He graduated from the Oil faculty of Azerbaijan Industry Institute (now Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University).

He received a doctorate in mathematics (1959) and a professor's (1961) degree. In 1968 he was elected a correspondent member of the AAS.

Head of the Department of Theoretical Mechanics of the Azerbaijan State University, head of the Department of Elasticity Theory of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of AAS.

His research activity is mainly devoted to the study of the tension deformation conditions in the elastic environment and the contact problems of the theory of elasticity.

Amanzadeh is the author of more than 150 scientific articles. He has trained more than 40 doctors of philosophy and 5 doctors of sciences.

Corresponding member of ANAS Yusif Amanzadeh died in 1982 in Baku.
