Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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Kheyirov Mammad Bey oglu
Kheyirov Mammad Bey oglu was born in 1925 in the village of Susay-Gishlag of Khachmaz region. M.HKheyirov graduated from the Physics and Mathematics Faculty of Azerbaijan State University (now Baku State University) in 1949 with a degree in physics.

In 1964 he was deserved the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Physics and Mathematics, in 1975 - Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, and in 2001 was elected Corresponding Member of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences (ANAS).

M. Kheyirov taught physics and mathematics in Khachmaz secondary school in 1941-1944. In 1949-1951 he worked as a laboratory assistant, chief laboratory assistant and chief of laboratory at X-ray structural laboratory of Azerbaijan State University. In 1951-1957 he worked as a physics and mathematics teacher at Baku Electrotechnical School of Communications. He started his scientific activity in 1957 as a senior engineer at the Azerbaijan State Oil and Gas Institute.

M. Kheyirov was engaged in the study of lithology and mineralogy of rocks and sediments of a number of other regions along with the meso-Cenozoic sediments of Azerbaijan.

Together with a number of Russian scientists, maps showing the regularity of the distribution of clay minerals in the Mediterranean, Baltic, White, Barnes, and Caspian sediments in the modern (partly, fourth) period were compiled based on his mineral studies and their relationship with the collection conditions. These maps were published in the magazines "Lithology and Minerals" and "Oceanology".

He is the author of 370 published scientific works, including 8 monographs (with co-authors) and 2 inventions. He was a member of the editorial board of the Azerbaijan Oil and Gas Journal and was awarded the Honorary Order in 2004 by the decision of the State Oil Company Board of the Republic of Azerbaijan for special services in the development of the oil and gas industry of the Republic.

Corresponding member of ANAS Mammad Kheyirov died in 2008 in Baku.
