Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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Qarayev Yashar Vahid oglu

Correspondent member of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences Yashar Vahid oglu Garayev was born on March 5, 1936 in Shaki city.

He graduated from the Faculty of Philology of the Baku State University in 1958, became candidate of Philology in 1963, defended his doctoral dissertation in 1979, and received his professor title in 1985. In 2001 he was elected a corresponding member of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences.

He began his career at the Academy from 1959 and worked as Director of Department of Literature Language Institute named after Nizami (1975-1981), deputy director on scientific affairs (1981-1985), then director. He is author of 38 monographs and literary-critical articles, more than 500 articles.

History and theory of Azerbaijan literature, literary relations, theater studies, literary criticism and publicity, aesthetics, cultural studies are the main directions of his creativity. The main themes and problems of the theory of art methodology, Renaissance and Enlightenment, current literary process, literature history, literary criticism are the basic of his research. Fundamental theoretical ideas about genesis and typology of realism in the East played a role of scientific school and training in the solution of these problems in general. The new concept on the development of national literary progress, stage-classification and artistic typology was first published in the book "History: closer and farther" (1996) and was scientifically solved in the book "Azerbaijani Literature: XIX and XX Centuries" (2002).

He has been a member of the Coordinating Council on the Problems of Development of World Literature (1985-2002), Chairman of the Defense Council for Literary Studies, Presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission, and member of several scientific and art councils. He was chosen member of Chingiz Aitmatov Academy, Ataturk Research Center, Shahriyar Congress.

Honored scientist was awarded the honorary title (1982), the Azerbaijan State Prize, "Mammad Araz", "Hasan Turabov" awards, and was awarded with the medal "For distinguished labor".

Corresponding member of ANAS Yashar Garayev died on August 25, 2002 in Baku, was buried in the Alley of Honors.
