Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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Qasimov Abdul Guseynəli oglu

Gasimov Abdul Huseynali oglu was born on January 5, 1929 in the village of Kanarmesha of Lankaran region. He graduated from Kholmili village secondary school in 1946, and in 1950 he graduated from the Azerbaijan Pedagogical Institute.

He defended his dissertations on the philosophy of zoology (1954) and doctor of sciences (1963), and was a corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the Azerbaijan SSR (1980).

From 1954 till the end of his life (2005) worked as a scientific worker, senior scientific worker, head of the Hydrobiology Laboratory (1961-2005), Director of the Caspian Biological Station (1974-2005) at the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences Institute of Zoology.

A. Gasimov's major researches are devoted to the investigation of the species and quantity of invertebrate animals spread in Azerbaijan's freshwater basins and the Azerbaijani sector of the Caspian Sea, and the use of water in fishing.

AH Gasimov was a member of the United Dissertation Defense Council of the Biological Sciences Department of the Azerbaijan SSR, the Scientific Council of the Institute of Zoology, the Chair of the Society of All-Union Hydrobiologists, the Azerbaijan Hydrobiologist Society, Coordination of the Caspian Sea Complex Study Member of the Council, Member of the Biological Commission of the USSR Fishery Ministry. He has also worked as an Environmental Expert at BP Azerbaijan Oil Company.

A.H.Gasimov was the author and co-author of 362 scientific works. 21 of these works are monographs and 16 are scientific-mass books. He has repeatedly represented Azerbaijan hydrobiology science in Poland, USA, Japan, Greece and other countries and made presentations at international scientific meetings held in countries.

Under the leadership of A.H.Gasimov 5 sciences and 22 PhD theses were defended. He was honored with the title of Honored Scientist (1990).

Corresponding member of ANAS Abdul Gasimov died on January 31, 2005 in Baku.
