Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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Mammadov Shamkhal Alimammad oglu

Shamkhal Alimammad oglu Mammadov was born on October 10, 1910 in Fuzuli. He graduated from the Azerbaijan Pedagogical Institute (1932).

He was deseved degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Chemistry (1936), Doctor of Science (1942), Professor (1956) and elected Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of the Azerbaijan SSR (1967).

S.Mammadov was an assistant professor, associate professor, professor (1936-1943), head of the department (1943-1952) of the Department of Organic Chemistry at Baku State University. He was the head of the laboratory at the Institute of Chemistry of the Azerbaijan Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1937-1943) and the Director of the Institute (1943-1949). He was Head of the Chemistry Department at the Azerbaijan State Pedagogical Institute (1956-1959), Head of the Laboratory of Synthesis and Technology of Biologically Active Substances at the Institute of Petrochemical Processes of the Academy of Sciences of the Soviet Socialist Republic of Azerbaijan (1959-1978).

As a prominent scientist in the field of synthesis of organic chemistry and petrochemistry, Mammadov created new scientific directions and scientific school. The main direction of his scientific activity is the synthesis of various derivatives of biologically active glycol ethers and the development of scientific basis for the creation of effective drugs based on them.

The results of Sh.Mammadov's scientific research are reflected in more than 400 scientific works, 3 monographs, including 70 copyright certificates. He developed a safe method of methylisocyanate used in the drug Sevin, which is a very important insecticide.

Under his leadership 3 doctors and more than 50 doctors of philosophy were trained. He was awarded the medals "For the defense of the Caucasus", "For valiant labor in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945", "Badge of Honor" and "Veteran of Labor" medal and etc.

Corresponding member of ANAS Shamkhal Mammadov died in 1984 in Baku.
