Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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Mirahmadov Aziz Mirfeyzulla oglu

Corresponding member of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences Aziz Mirfeyzulla oglu Mirahmadov was born on February 11, 1920 in Baku.

M.Mirahmadov graduated from the Faculty of Language and Literature of Azerbaijan Pedagogical University and Philology Faculty of the Azerbaijan State University (1938-1941). He began his career at the Institute of Literature after Nizami of the Academy of Sciences (1942), scientific worker (1945-1947), chief scientific researcher (1953-1958), (1960-1963), department director (1964-1980), deputy director (1980-1981), director (1981-1985). He was the Senior Lecturer at ASU (1943-1947), Senior Lecturer at ASPI (1949-1952), Director of the Azerbaijan Nizami Museum of Literature (1959-1960), Deputy Director of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Azerbaijan (1960-1963).

He defended his PhD thesis (1955), doctoral (1973) dissertations, was elected correspondent member of ANAS (1980).

A.Mirahmadov has made a great contribution to the study of the history of Azerbaijani literature, especially its new era (XIX-XX centuries). He is the author of valuable monographs on such M.F.Akhundov, M.Hadi, M.A.Sabir, I.Mammadguluzadeh, A. Shaig.

He also contributed to the preparation of scientific and critical publications of the works of our classics, translation and publication of literary and historical monuments, literary press materials. Philological and literary translation of Nizami's works, Fuzuli's sixth volume, M.F.Akhundov's trilogy, C. Mammadguluzade's trilogy, Samad Vurgun's sixth volume and other books were prepared and published under his leadership. Translations and preparation of texts "Ekinchi" and "Molla Nasraddin", the great monuments of our national culture, were carried out under his direct participation and guidance.

A.Mirahmadov also took an active part in the preparation of books "History of Literature". He is also one of the authors of the six-volume "History of Azerbaijani Literature", which is currently in the process of publishing.

Author of over 20 books and more than 500 scientific articles A.Mirahmadov was awarded the title of Honorary Scientist.

Corresponding member of ANAS Aziz Mirakhmedov died on August 30, 2002 in Baku.
