Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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Nabiyev Azad Movlud oglu
Corresponding member of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences Azad Movlud oglu Nabiyev was born on April 20, 1945 in the Second Nugadi village of Guba district. In 1963-1967 he studied at the journalism department of the Philology Faculty of Azerbaijan State University (now BSU), and in 1968 he was accepted into postgraduate study of the same university.

In 1972 he defended his thesis, in 1981 - doctoral thesis, in 1982 he was awarded the title of professor. In 2001 he was elected a corresponding member of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences.

He began his career as an editor in the Azerbaijan State Publishing House (1967-1974), and later he was the editor of the "Ganjlik" publishing house (1974-1976).

In 1997 he was elected academician of the International Academy of Ecoenergy, in 1999 a member of the Writers' Union of Azerbaijan.

In 1976-1989 he worked as a teacher, senior teacher, professor at the Faculty of Philology of the Azerbaijan State University. He headed the chair of Azerbaijani oral literature for a long time. He was the editor-in-chief of the journal "Issues of Folklore", published by Baku State University.

In 2000, the renowned scientist was awarded the title of Honorary Teacher.

A.Nabiyev has long been active in the scientific and organizational activities of the Academy, as a member of the Bureau of the Department of Humanitarian and Social Sciences of ANAS and Scientific Council of the Institute of Folklore of ANAS, chairman of the Republican Scientific Research Organization on "Folklore".

He is the author of more than 200 scientific works, including over 40 monographs covering various areas of our folklore. His more than 15 collections and compilations are among the most important resources for folklore. The bulky and comprehensive works of the scientist, designed as textbooks for universities, are still considered the main textbooks on folklore.

A.Nabiyev's writings on various fields of folklore and literature, topical issues of our cultural history and Azerbaijanism are based on national-moral values, ethnic history, globalization and others. a serious scientific attitude shows itself. His works are of great importance in the folklore of Azerbaijan in terms of the history of national statehood, the movements of national liberation, and the various problems of our recent and recent history. A.M.Nabiyev, one of the most famous researchers in the field of folklore relations between Azerbaijan and Central Asia, was considered a prominent researcher in the field of folklore in the Soviet Union in the 1980s.

Under his scientific management, 5 doctors of sciences and more than 20 doctors of philosophy were trained.

Azad Nabiyev, the only correspondent member of ANAS in folklore studies, died on February 13, 2012 in Baku and was buried in II Nugadi village of Guba.
