Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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Ramazanov Karim Nazir oglu
Ramazanov Karim Nazir oglu was born on March 1, 1947 in Ilisu village of Gakh region. In 1969 he graduated from Azerbaijan Institute of Oil and Chemistry (now ASOIU) with a degree in Electrical Engineering.

In 1978 he was deserved the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Technology, in 1991 - Doctor of Technical Sciences, in 1996 - Professor. In 2001 he was elected Corresponding Member of ANAS.

He began his career at the Azerbaijan Scientific Research Institute of Energy in 1970, working as a chief of the Laboratory (1980), Deputy Director for Scientific Affairs (1981-1993), Director (1993-2002). From 2002 till the end of his life he was Energy Issues Advisor to the Minister of Economic Development of the Republic of Azerbaijan. At the same time, he worked at the Institute of Physics of ANAS, continued his pedagogical activity at the Azerbaijan State Oil Academy, and was the editor-in-chief of the "Energy Problems" magazine. He was a member of the Bureau of Physical and Mathematical and Technical Sciences of ANAS, chair of the Problem Council of the Complex Problems of Energy of the Republican Scientific Research Organization.

His scientific works are devoted to the optimal management of energy systems, forecasting the demand for energy resources and optimizing fuel and energy balance.

K.Ramazanov is the author of more than 100 scientific works and 3 inventions.

He was awarded with the Honor Diploma of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Corresponding member of ANAS Karim Ramazanov died in 2012 in Baku.
