Valiyev Zohrab Ahmed oglu was born on June 4, 1953 in Nakhchivan city.
He graduated from Moscow State University named after M. Lomonosov with a degree in Physics. In 2003 he was elected as a corresponding member of ANAS. Z.Valiyev worked as a dean of the Nakhchivan State University and a pro-rector on scientific affairs. Z.Valiyev's major researches are the creation of a coherent theory of electric, photoelectric and optical properties of semiconductors; to give a model of load dislocations acting on semiconductor crystals with electron and hole conductivity and to investigate deformed luminescence phenomena, dynamic excitation effects of electrons, dislocation characteristic currents; the study of the fragmented dislocation system and the new resonance method for determining the type of dislocation in semiconductor compounds between the received results; the study of the Vigner crystallization of electrons in the wind dislocation and the new resonance method for observing this crystallization; Z.Valiyev is the author of 93 scientific publications (24 of them abroad). Under his leadership 1 PhD thesis was defended. Corresponding member of ANAS Zohrab Veliyev died in 2003. |