Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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Samedova Fazilya Ibrahim gizi
Fazila Ibrahim gizi Samadova was born on March 29, 1929 in an intelligent family in Shamakhi. In 1946, she graduated from secondary school No. 132 in Baku with a gold medal and in the same year entered the chemical-technological faculty of the Azerbaijan Industrial Institute (AII). Until December 1952, she worked as an engineer on duty at the New Baku Oil Refinery, then entered graduate school at the faculty of petrochemistry and technology of the Azerbaijan Industrial Institute, and in April 1954 she was a graduate student at the Department of Oil and Lubricant Technology of the Moscow Oil Institute named after M. Gubkin.

In 1956, having defended her PhD thesis on "The influence of the chemical composition of oils on their performance properties", she received the degree of PhD of Technical sciences.

The results of research conducted in 1960-1973 were reflected in the thesis of the scientist on the topic "Distillation of Baku paraffin oils using cost-effective technologies, obtaining residual oils and the prospects for their organization in Azerbaijan." Having successfully defended her thesis, the scientist received a doctorate in technical sciences.

In 1987, she was awarded the title of professor with a degree in Oil and Gas Technology. For her scientific and pedagogical activity, she was awarded the title of Honored Scientist of Azerbaijan in 1991. In 1995, she was elected an active member of the New York Academy of Sciences, and in 2001 - a corresponding member of ANAS.

The results of the scientist's scientific activity were reflected in 530 scientific works, including 24 monographs, 1 journalistic book, 64 copyright certificates and patents. Under her leadership, 4 doctors and 20 doctors of philosophy were trained. 

Correspondent member of ANAS Fazila Ibrahim kizi Samadova died on January 1, 2020
