Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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Aghayev Telman Mammadali oglu

Telman Mammadali oglu Agayev was born on October 10, 1935 in the village of Vagudi, Sisian region of Western Azerbaijan (now Armenia). In 1959 he graduated from the Zootechnical faculty of the Azerbaijan Agricultural Institute.

In 1969 he defended his PhD thesis on "The effect of irritation of the receptors of the stomach on the metabolism of proteins and free amino acids in the brain," in 1983 - a doctoral thesis on the "Patterns of age-related formation of the glutamic acid system in the visual brain analyzer." He was promoted to professor in 1989, and in 2001 was elected a corresponding member of ANAS.

Corresponding member of ANAS T. Agayev was a specialist in the field of evolutionary physiology and biochemistry. He was known as the organizer and successor of the scientific field in sensory and cellular biochemistry of the central nervous system of organisms at different levels of phylogeny and ontogenesis.

For the first time, scientists have shown the role of glutamate, aspartate and gamma-aminobutyric acid in the transformation of visual impulses at various stages of the ontogenetic development of neurons in normal conditions, as well as in conditions of impaired analyzer functions taking into account age-related characteristics. Under these conditions, the role of neurotransmitters such as glutamate, aspartate, gamma-aminobutyric acid, serotonin, norepinephrine in the transmission of sensory information and in restoring the plasticity of analyzers was first shown. The theoretical foundations of using the possibility of restoring the nervous system in the clinic have been comprehensively studied. The role of glutamate, aspartate, gamma-aminobutyric acid, serotonin, norepinephrine, and the enzymes involved in their metabolism at the cellular level at various stages of ontogenesis in various brain structures of hypoxic and starving animals was studied.

The biologist was the author of 340 scientific works, including 10 monographs. Under his scientific supervision 10 doctors of sciences and 37 doctors of philosophy were trained.

He was chairman of the Azerbaijan Biochemical Society, a member of the European Society of Biochemists, and vice president of the Azerbaijan Society of Physiologists. He was also a member of the editorial boards of Izvestia (a series of biological and medical sciences), Ecoenergetics of ANAS and Izvestia of the Georgian Academy of Sciences.

In 2013, the scientist was awarded a diploma and a gold medal by the European Chamber of Science and Industry for his professional activities.

The renowned biologist, senior researcher at the Institute of Physiology, corresponding member of ANAS Telman Agayev died on May 9 at the age of 84.
