Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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Kerimov Kerim Mammadkhan oglu

Karim Karimov was born in 1933 in the city of Agdam. After finishing from high school in 1952, he entered the current Azerbaijan State University of Oil and Industry and graduated in 1975 with a degree in geophysicist engineering.

In 1964 he defended his PhD, in 1978 - his doctoral thesis and in 1990 became a professor in the field of geophysics. In 2001 he was elected a corresponding member of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences.

The main areas of scientific activity of Professor K. Karimov were seismology, the study of the geological structure and the search for oil and gas deposits using geophysical methods. The scientist also had special merits in the field of development of the oil industry of Azerbaijan. Under his leadership, in 1993-1995, a new oil and gas tectonic zone 100-120 km long was opened in Azerbaijan, which was called "Return" on the occasion of the second return to power of national leader Heydar Aliyev.

The scientist who created a special school in geophysics in Azerbaijan, was the author of more than 550 scientific works, including 14 monographs, 28 inventions and more than 135 atlases and maps. His more than 76 scientific papers have been published in America, France, England, Russia, Egypt, Ukraine, Georgia, Turkey, Iran, Japan and other countries.

In 1992-1996, K. Karimov headed the Main Department of Geophysics at SOCAR, and in 1996-2005 he held the post of Director General of the Public Association of Geophysics and Engineering Geology. In 2006-2008, he worked as a senior adviser on scientific issues at the Office of Geophysics and Geology.

The scientist was elected an active member of the International Eco-Energy Academy in 1995 and was appointed vice-president of this Academy in 1997. In 1996, he was elected an active member of the European Association of Geophysicists, in 1997 - the British Petroleum Society.

He was elected "Person of the Year" and was awarded the Gold Medal of the American Biographical Institute. In 2000, the scientist was also awarded the diploma and silver medal of the Cambridge International Biographical Center "For Achievements in the 20th Century" and in 2003 - the Yusif Mammadaliev Medal.

In 1991, the scientist was awarded the honorary title “Honored Worker of Science and Technology” of the Republic of Azerbaijan for his services in the development of geological and geophysical science, in 2001 - the Order of “Shohrat”.

K. Karimov was elected an academician of the Academy after Lotfie Zadeh, established at Baku State University in 2000, the European Academy of Sciences in 2002, as well as the Eastern Oil Academy and the Eco-Energy Academy. He was awarded Honorary Diplomas of ANAS and SOCAR for his merits in the development of the oil and gas industry.

Professor K. Karimov was also a talented artist with an original palette. He was the author of thousands of cartoons. The main theme of these works was the policy of Armenia against Azerbaijan and its bitter consequences. Karimov skillfully exposed terrorism, drug addiction, racism, injustice and Armenian oppression in his works. So far, 18 personal exhibitions of the artist have been organized in different countries of the world.

Corresponding member of ANAS Karim Karimov passed away on April 15, at the age of 87. 
