Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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Nuriev Ali Najafgulu oglu

Ali Najafgulu oglu Nuriyev was born on December 29, 1928 in the village of Nehram in the Babek district of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic. In 1944, after finishing from the 7th grade of a secondary school in the village of Nehram, he entered the Nakhchivan Medical College and graduated with honors.

He entered Chemistry Department of Azerbaijan State University in 1948, and from the third year was sent to the Chemistry Department of Gorky State University (now Nizhny Novgorod). In 1953, he successfully graduated from the university with a degree in Analytical Chemistry and began his career as head of the technical control department of the Sumgait Synthetic Rubber Plant.

In 1954, he brought his great passion for science to the laboratory of geochemistry and radiochemistry of the Institute of Inorganic and Physical Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the Azerbaijan SSR (now the Institute of Catalysis and Inorganic Chemistry), where he worked as a junior and senior researcher. In 1971, he headed the department of sorption processes of the institute, as well as the laboratory of inorganic and synthetic sorbents.

In 1962, A. Nuriyev defended his thesis on "Radioactive elements in the stratal waters of oil fields", and in 1972, his doctoral thesis on the "Distribution of rare and dispersed elements in the waters, oil and sedimentary rocks of the oil fields of Azerbaijan." He was elected a corresponding member of ANAS in 2007.

In 1980-1985, Professor A. Nuriyev was simultaneously the deputy director of the institute, and also headed the Nakhchivan Scientific Center. He made great efforts to determine the scientific direction of the center and train personnel.

As a result of the study of the distribution and distribution of rare and rare-earth elements in oil reservoir waters, scientists found that a partial violation of the kinetic relationship and quality characteristic of trace elements creates a specific environment for their new distribution. A number of selective sorbents for the extraction of uranium, rhodium, lithium, boron from aqueous solutions with the possible use of trace elements as hydrothermal raw materials have been obtained, and their economic feasibility has been substantiated. Tests were conducted at a pilot production base. Technologies have been prepared for the production of edible salt from oil reservoir water and carbon dioxide from mineral waters. In the field of dispersed systems, the purification of toxic organic substances from wastewater using effective sorbents was achieved.

The results of his research are reflected in 3 monographs, 306 scientific papers, including 16 copyright certificates and 3 patents. He supervised for 14 doctors of philosophy and 3 doctors of sciences. In addition, A. Nuriyev was an opponent of about 60 candidate and doctoral dissertations in various scientific and educational institutions of the republic.

Сorresponding member Ali Nuriyev passed away on April 14 at the age of 91. 
