Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)

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Abramovich Mikhail Vladimirovich
M.Abramovich was born in Baku in 1884 in a family of engineer-technologists.

He graduated from the Mining Institute of St. Petersburg in 1910. He was awarded the scientific degree of doctor of geological-mineralogical science for scientific research in 1941, and was elected as an active member of the Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences in 1955.

From 1920 to 1930 M.Abramovich headed the Geological Department of the Azneft Union. From 1932 till the end of his life he worked as a professor and head of the department at the Azerbaijan Institute of Industry, Exploration of Oil and Gas fields.He was the head of the geological sector of the USSR AZFAN in 1935-1937. Since 1938 he headed the oil-and-gas laboratory named after I.M.Gubkin.He played a major role in the drafting of the geological application of recycling methods in oil production, the calculation of reserves in oil fields in the republic. He had taken his scientific work together with teaching activity and had trained highly qualified geologists.

M.Abramovich was one of the founders of geological science in Azerbaijan. He took part in drawing up the first large-scale map of the Absheron peninsula together with D.V.Golubyatnikov. He has developed scientific bases for efficient exploration and development of oil fields. For the first time, he introduced Palmer System on water distribution in the oil fields. The opening of some of the first oil fields in the country is also related to his name.

For the first time in the world geological experience, M.Abramovich defined the relationship between the rhythmic structure of oil layers, the change of oil properties and relationship between the conditions of laying oil segments, the classification of oilfield waters, the role of tectonic factors in the formation of oil fields and  the method of calculation of predicted oil and gas reserves, offered oil water as a raw material to produce iodine and bromine, applied the classification of oil deposits by chemical composition in oil fields. He proposed the physical and chemical method of gas carotage to determine the gas content of the layers opened in the wells for the first time.

M.Abramovich is the author of more than 100 scientific works, including 6 monographs.

The pedagogical, scientific and scientific-organizational activity of M.Abramovich was highly appreciated by the Azerbaijan state. He was awarded the title of Honorary Scientist, awarded with the Red Labor Flag and a number of medals.

Academician Mikhail Abramovich died in Baku in 1965.
