Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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Akhundov Vali Yusif oglu
Akhundov Veli Yusif oglu was born in Baku in 1916. He graduated from the Azerbaijan State Medical Institute (1941).

He defended his dissertations on PhD in Medicine (1955) and Doctor of Sciences (1964). He was elected active member of the Azerbaijan AS (1969). After graduating from the institute, V. Akhundov was called up to military service, primarily he was a doctor (1941-1942), then a commander of a medical sanitary battalion (1942-1946). He has worked as an assistant (1952-1953) at Azerbaijan State Medical University, director of the Institute for Scientific Research on Virology, Microbiology and Hygiene (1953), First Deputy Minister of Health of Azerbaijan Repulic, Minister (1953-1958), Secretary of Central Committee of Azerbaijan CP(1959-1969), Chairman of the Council of Ministers of Azerbaiajn USSR (1953-1959), Vice President of the Azerbaijan USSR AS (1969-1972), director of the Institute for Scientific Research on Virology, Epidemiology and Hygiene (1972-1986).

The main direction of his scientific activity was the study of sanitary-epidemiological situation in different cities and regional centers, determination of technological, sociological, medical and etc. main character and indicators, and elimination of negative features. His research of sanitary and hygienic situation in Ganja and on oil-polluted areas in Baku has been confirmed as examples for people living in the contaminated areas of the USSR. The scientist created the first laboratory of hygienic-epidemiological cybernetics in the USSR.

V.Akhundov was particularly interested in the organization of the water supply system in Azerbaijan. He pointed out that, drinking water supply is a serious and important problem of hygienic and epidemiological importance. Usage of poor quality drinking water can lead to the spread of some infectious diseases among the population. In this regard, the studying of the sanitary condition of water reservoirs in our republic, prevention of water pools pollution by industrial enterprises with waste water, as well as arrangement of sanitary protection of water pools at the required level numerous scientific studies have been carried out under the leadership of Academician V.Akhundov.

Academician V.Akhundov was the author of more than 300 scientific works, as well as 6 monographs and 11 manuals. With his scientific guidance and consultation 4 Doctors of Philosophy and 5 Doctors of Philosophy dissertations were defended.The scientist`s scientific social activity was wide.

He was a member of the Problem Commission on the “Scientific Basis of Hygiene of Residental houses” of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences (1974), a member of the All-Union Scientific-Medical Technical Office Bureau, a member of the Problem Comission “International Medical Association for the Study of Life and Health “ of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences  (1975) , Chairman of Azerbaijani Hygienic and Sanitary Physicians Society and others. Academician V.Akhundov was highly appreciated by the state and public for his longstanding military, scientific, scientific and organizational and public activity and was awarded with Honorary Decrees, "Lenin", "The Homeland War", "Red Star" and several other orders and medals.

Academician Veli Akhundov died on August 22, 1986. 
