Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)

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Afandizadeh Azad Ali oglu
Afandizadeh Azad Ali oglu was born on March 20, 1907 in Shamakha. In 1931 he graduated from the electrical engineering department. In 1945 he received the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, in 1952 - Doctor of Science, and in 1953 became a Professor. In 1969 he was elected an active member of the Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences.

Since 1931 he worked in the Energy Department, in the Sumgait Thermal Electric Center, he was engaged in search and design problems at the Krasin Power Plant, and since 1938 he worked as a teacher in AzIIneftekhim, was a professor and then the chief power engineer in Ganja (1941-1946). Since 1946 he worked as a senior researcher at the Institute of Energy of ANA, a leading researcher, deputy director, director (1955-1960), head of the laboratory, member of the International Committee for Terminology and Standards.

The main scientific direction of Afandizadeh Azad was the automatic control of electric drive systems, the dynamics of an asynchronous electric drive controlled by frequency and control of DC converters with pulse width modulation and the application of scientific results related to these problems in agriculture. The scientist was the author of works that differ in their practical significance and relevance in the sphere of the oil industry of Azerbaijan. Under the leadership of Afandizadeh Azad a number of effective works were carried out in the field of the Azerbaijani technical terminology a dictionary of terms was developed and published in 6 languages ​​in the field of automatic control, electro mechanics, and electric drive.

Afandizadeh Azad was the author of over 250 scientific articles and 5 monographs.

He received the honorary title "Honored Worker of Science", was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor and a silver medal of the Council of Ministers of the Azerbaijan SSR.

Academician Afandizadeh Azad died in 1998 in Baku.
