Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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Alizadeh Alashraf Abdulhuseyn oglu
A.Alizade was born in Shamakhi in 1911.He graduated from the Azerbaijan Oil Institute (now Azerbaijan State Oil and Industrial University) in 1935.

A.Alizade defended his candidate`s thesis in 1944 and received the degree of doctor of geology and mineralogy . The scientist, one of the founders of the Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences (AAS) in 1945, was elected as an active member of the Academy in the same year.

A.Alizade began his activity in 1934 in "Az-Oil Exploration" trust and worked there until 1942. In 1942-1946 he worked in the administrative bodies of the party. In 1943 he was awarded the State Prize for the discovery and acquisition of new oil fields. He was awarded the State Prize for the second time in 1946, when he developed a small electroperforator device. In 1946-1948 he worked as the head of the Azneft Union. In 1948, he was appointed chief of the Az-Oil Exploration Union. In 1949-1950, the scientist appointed as head of the chief engineer and geological laboratory at the Turkmen branch of the Azerbaijan Scientific Research Institute of Oil and Gas (Nebit-Mountain), studied geology of oil-gas fields of Turkmenistan. The discovery of a rich flora fauna in western Turkmenistan as a result of its research has been of great importance to the  science. Academician worked in the geology department of the Turkmen State University in 1950-1954 and the head of the department of minerals in the Turkmen branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences and studied neogenic sediments.

Alizade was a professor of Geology and Exploration Department of Oil and Gas Fields of Azerbaijan Industrial Institute in 1954-1958. Alizade worked as director of the Azerbaijan Scientific Research Institute of Oil Production in 1959-1977, and since 1977 he has worked as the head of Regional Geology and Tectonics Department and Geodynamics Laboratory at the Institute of Geology of the AAS. Academician A.Alizadeh is a senior specialist in the field of geology, geotechnology and oil and gas geology, defined the legitimacy of oil and gas deposits in the productive layers of Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan (Medium Pliocene) deposits, as well as biostratigraphic researcher of paleogene and neogene, has been one of the few discoverers of new oil and gas condensate fields.

Under his leadership, 60 scientists and philosophers have been trained. He has authored more than 400 scientific works, including 30 monographs.

A.Alizade was awarded the title of Honorary Oil Worker of the USSR, Honored Science and Technician of the Turkmen USSR.

Academician Alashraf Alizadeh died in 1985 in Baku.
