Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)

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Azizbeyova Pustakhanim Azizagha gizi
Azizbayova Pustakhanim was born on December 29, 1928 in Baku.

After graduating from the Faculty of History of the Azerbaijan State University with a Diploma of Distinction, Azizbayova Pustakhanim worked for some time as Director of the Mashadi Azizbayov House Museum (1951). In 1954 she defended dissertation on "Assistance of the Russian people in the restoration of the oil industry of Azerbaijan (1921-1923)". Studying the formation of socialism in Azerbaijan P.Azizbayova in 1961 defended her thesis on "The role of Lenin in the socialist changes in Azerbaijan". Azizbayova Pustakhanim is the 1st Azeri doctor of historical sciences.

In 1972, P.Azizbayova was elected a corresponding member and in 1980 she became an active member of the Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences. In 1982, the academician was awarded the title of "Honored Worker of Science Az. SSR".

P.Azizbayova was engaged in pedagogical activity, she taught at different universities Baku. In 1955 she became an associate professor and in 1962 she received the title of Professor.

In student years she began to work as a guide in the Central Museum of V.I.Lenin (1948), then became the director of the branch and the head of the department. In 1955, P.Azizbayova was appointed to the post of head of the Department of Contemporary History of the Museum of History of Azerbaijan. In 1961 she took up the post of museum director and worked here for the rest of her life (1998). Thanks to her organizational talent, this cultural center turned into one of the leading museums in the country, was an important research institution, where a wide exposition and serious search works of the Academy of Sciences are held. The museum became a participant of international exhibitions.

P.Azizbayova was the author of a number of monographs, various voluminous publications, as well as 300 articles. P.Azizbayova for many years led the Baku branch of the All-Union Society "Knowledge".

The scientist P.Azizbayova was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor, the "Badge of Honor", the medal "For Courage" and two diplomas of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Azerbaijan SSR.

Active member of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences Azizbayova Pustakhanim died in 1998 in Baku.
