Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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Garayev Abdulla Ismayil oglu

Garayev Abdulla was born on January 14, 1910 in Baku. He graduated from the nature department of the pedagogical faculty of the Azerbaijan State University (1930), then the Azerbaijan State Medical Institute (1936).

Received the degree of PhD in Medical-biological sciences (1938), then - Doctor of Medical Sciences (1940), then was elected as an active member of the Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan SSR (1949).

He was Professor of the Department of Normal Physiology of the Azerbaijan State Medical Institute and Head of the Department of Human and Animal Physiology at Azerbaijan State University (1940-1942). He was vice-rector for scientific work of Azerbaijan State University, and in 1942-1944. Rector and Head of the Department of the University (1944-1950). He worked as Academician-Secretary of the Department of Biological and Agricultural Sciences of the ANA (1952-1956). He was chairman of the Committee for Higher and Secondary Specialized Education of the Republic (1961-1963).

The main direction of scientific activity of A.Garayev was the study of the metabolism of the potentials of muscle and nervous tissue, as well as the neurochemistry and physiology of participation in the mechanism of self-regulation. Evidence on the spread of subliminal irritations was included in textbooks compiled at the Department of Physiology of Moscow State University (1935).

One of the interesting fields of scientific research of academician A.Garayev is research that creates conditions for the use of natural balneological sources on the territory of Azerbaijan in medicine. During the Great Patriotic War, A.Garayev studied the effect of Naftalan oil on burns and wounds. The scientist suggested the use of this rare oil in medicine as an anesthetic and healing agent.

Academician A.Garayev is the author of 7 monographs and over 300 articles. Under his leadership were trained more than 20 doctors of science and PhD.

A.Garayev was a deputy of the Baku Council (1948), deputy chairman of the Knowledge Society of the Azerbaijan Republic (1948-1968), chairman of the Azerbaijan branch of the All-Union Society of Physiologists (1951-1968).

A.Garayev received the honorary title "Honored Doctor of Azerbaijan" (1940), "Honored Scientist" (1943), awarded the “Red Star Order” (1944), the “Red Banner of Labor" (1946, 1954, 1967) and medals "For the Defense of the Caucasus" (1946), "Honorary Labor in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945", as well as the honorary medal after IM Sechenov. For the first time among Azerbaijani physiologists, he was elected as a member of the International Brain Research Organization.

Academician Garayev Abdullah died on December 8, 1968 in Baku.
