Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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Grossheym Aleksandr Alfonsovich
 Grossheim Alfonsovich Alexander was born on March 6, 1888 in the village of Likhovka, Verhkhnednepetrovsk County of the Ekaterinoslavsk province, where he received his secondary education in a real school №1.

In 1907, Grossheim entered the Kharkov University. In his student years, he dedicated his spare time a botanical excursions and expeditions.

The same year saw light the first work of A. Grossheim created joint with one of the foremost researchers of flora of the southern regions of the European part of the USSR and the Caucasus and I.J Akinfiyev.

In 1911, Grossheim completed his visit to the botanical mountains of Turkestan, Alai and Central Asia, and his first work was published in 1912, dedicated to the flora of the Caucasus.

In 1913-1926, Grossheim worked as a botanist-florist in Tiflis Botanical Garden. In 1917 he acted as an assistant and associate professor at the Department of Botany of the Tiflis Polytechnic Institute. In 1927 a prominent botanist Academician Grossheim, arrived in Baku, started here his scientific and pedagogical activity. In 1927-1930, he supervised research work pastures, carried out by the State Committee of the Council of People's Commissars of Azerbaijan SSR. And in the years of 1931-1932, was in charge of the department dealing with the study of rubber plants at the Research Institute of Azerbaijan.

In 1932 he was awarded a small gold medal of the Russian Geographical Society for a complex of botanical and geographical works in the Caucasus.

In 1932, Alexander Alfonsovich was appointed head of the Azerbaijani sector of Botany department of Transcaucasian Branch of the USSR. October 15, 1935 for a complex of botanical works of the scientist was awarded the degree of Doctor of Biological Sciences of the USSR.

In 1936, at the initiative of Alexander Alfonsovich was established the Institute of Botany of the Azerbaijani branch of USSR Academy of Sciences, and in 1945 this body has been shifted into the Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan SSR, the Institute of Botany. So, from the date of the foundation of the Institute until 1947 Grossheim held the position of director.

Grossheim engaged in successful teaching activities: in 1927-1929, he was an assistant professor of Azerbaijan State University, 1929-1930, Professor, 1930-1934, head of the Department of Botany of the Azerbaijan Pedagogical Institute, 1934-1947 head of the department of Morphology and Systematics of Embryophite of Azerbaijan State University named after S.M. Kirov.

Merits by A. Grossheim were highly appreciated. In January 1939 he was elected a corresponding member of the Department of Biological Sciences of the USSR and an active member of the Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan SSR since its establishment (1945).

In February 1946, the first three volumes of the second edition of "Flora of Caucasus", Grossheim awarded to Prize on behalf V.L.Komarov by the Presidium of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. On November 30, 1946 he was elected an active member of the USSR Academy of Sciences. In March 1947, the scientist moved to Leningrad, where he served as director of the Department of Herbarium of the Caucasus Institute of Botany on behalf V.L. Komarov, Academy of Sciences of the USSR Caucasus. In 1947-1948, he worked as head of the department of Morphology and Systematics of Plants of the Leningrad State University.

In 1948, he was awarded the Stalin Prize of II degree for the book "Plant Resources of the Caucasus."

In 1947 he was elected an honorary member of the All-Union Society botanists, as well as an active member of the All-Union Society and the Society for Geographers to study the nature of Moscow.

Among the main areas of research activity of Grossheim occupies an important place floristry-systematics. He described more than 300 new species of plants Caucasian flora. During the period of activity of the academician in Azerbaijan were published his numerous books and monographs and 212 scientific papers. The biggest contribution made by him to science are his fundamental works on various areas of botany: 7-volume "Flora of Caucasus" (1939-1967), 3-volume "Flora of Azerbaijan" (1934-1936), "Talish flora" (1926 ), "The determinant Caucasian plants" (1949) on the taxonomy; "The vegetation cover of the Caucasus" (1946), "Plant Resources of the Caucasus" (1952) Floristry; "Review of the new phylogeny of flowering plants" (1966) on the phylogeny.

In 1920, Grossheim joint with J. Sosnovski has developed a book "Guide to the Plants of neighborhoods Tiflis", 1928-1934. - The fourth volume of his book "Flora of the Caucasus."

For its botanical and geographical work, he was awarded the gold medal of the Russian Geographic (1932), the Order "Red Banner of Labour" medals "Protection of the Caucasus", "For Valiant Labor in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.", And was awarded the Prize named V.L. Komarov, Academy of Sciences of the USSR and the Stalin Prize of the USSR (1948).

Academician Alexander Grossheim Alfonsovich passed away on December 4, 1948 in Leningrad.
