Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)

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Malikov Firuz Ali oglu

Malikov Firuz was born on January 7, 1902 in Kurgaragashli, Salyan region. In 1921, F.Malikov entered the medical faculty of Azerbaijan State University, but then left education at the university, enrolling in the agricultural faculty of the Azerbaijan Polytechnic Institute, which he graduated in 1927.

Honored Scientist F.Malikov became the first Doctor of Science in the field of animal husbandry in Azerbaijan.

In 1948 F.Malikov was the first of Azerbaijan to be elected as an active member of the All-Union Academy of Agricultural Sciences.

In 1958 F.Malikov served as president of the Azerbaijan Academy of Agricultural Sciences. Thanks to the scientist, this scientific center became known not only in Transcaucasia, but throughout the former Soviet Union. The development of the Academy gave a big push to the progress of agricultural science in Azerbaijan, six research institutes began to operate under the Ministry of Agriculture of Azerbaijan, as well as about 20 close experimental stations and strong points.

Under the leadership of academician F.Malikov were trained 10 of PhDs and Doctors of science. He held the post of vice-rector, head of the department at the Agricultural Institute. He was Professor at the Department of Genetics of Azerbaijan State University. In 1962-1965 worked as a professor at the Department of Genetics and Darvinism at Azerbaijan State University.

He delivered papers at international scientific conferences, symposium in Russia, Egypt, England and other countries, earned great respect from the global scientific community.

F.Malikov is the author of over 250 fundamental scientific works. Among them are textbooks, teaching aids and scientific works.

Academician F.Malikov was elected as a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the Azerbaijan SSR (3 times). F.Malikov was awarded the Order of Lenin, the Red Banner of Labor, and a number of medals by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. The street in Ganja in which F.Malikov lived was named after him.

Academician Firuz Malikov died on November 12, 1965 in Baku.
