Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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Rahimov Rahim Nurmammad oglu

RahimovRagim was born on March 18, 1923 in Ordubad, Nakhchivan AR.

In 1941 he graduated from Ordubad Pedagogical College in 1945-1950. He was educated at the Azerbaijan Medical Institute.

In 1957 he defended his PhD of Philosophy, in 1969 - Doctor of Science. He was awarded the title of Professor (1970). He was elected as a corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan SSR (1983) and an active member (1989).

In 1941-1945 he worked as a teacher in rural schools in Ordubad district. He also worked as a surgeon in the Shahbuz district hospital of the Nakhchivan AR (1950-1951), a radiologist in Ordubad (1951-1953).

He held the position of head of the radiology department at the Azerbaijan Research Institute of Roentgenology and Radiology (1957-1970).

He was deputy director (1970-1974) and (1974-1989) director of the Azerbaijan Research Institute of Roentgenology, Radiology and Oncology, head (1989) and advisor (2013) of the Department of Radiation Diagnostic Methods of the National Oncology Center.

Fundamental results of X-ray studies for the first time carried out by scientists in patients with pathology of the gastrointestinal tract were applied in medical practice.

The scientist is the author of 200 scientific works, copyright certificates and rationalization proposals, some of which are published in prestigious foreign journals (USA, Germany, Japan, Italy and Russia). Repeatedly made scientific reports at congresses and conferences in our country and abroad. Under his scientific leadership 2 doctors of science and 12 doctors of philosophy were protected.

R.Rahimov was a member of the editorial board of Azerbaijan Medical Journal (Baku) (1975-2013), X-ray Radiology and Radiology Bulletin (Moscow) (1976-1985), a member of the Scientific Council on Malignant Tumors of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1978), chairman Azerbaijan Scientific Society of Radiologists and Radiologists (1965-1986).

He was awarded the medal "For Valiant Labor" (1970), the Order "Badge of Honor" (1971), the badge "Excellence in Public Health" (1973), the Red Cross of the USSR (1978) and the medal "Veteran of Labor" (1985).

In 1981 he was awarded the honorary title "Honored Scientist of the Azerbaijan SSR", in 2013 he was awarded the Order "Shohrat" of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Academician R.Rahimov died on July 6, 2013 in Baku.
