Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)

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Salamzadeh Abdulvahab Rahim oglu

ANAS Active member Salamzade Abdulvahab was born on February 26, 1916 in city Shamakhi. He is one of the founders of the Azerbaijan National School of Art History. After graduating from the Azerbaijan Industrial Institute in 1939, A.Salamzade worked as an architect in “Azgosstroy” and in 1944-1947 he received education in the postgraduate course of the Academy of Sciences of the Azerbaijan SSR. He defended PhD thesis in 1948 and Doctoral in 1964, in 1967 received the title of Professor.

He was elected as corresponding member of the Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences (1968), an active member (1983). He worked as head of the department at the Institute of Architecture and Art of the Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan (1951-1957), then was deputy director of this institute (1957-1983).

His scientific work is devoted to the problems of creating the history of Azerbaijani architecture, the protection and promotion of our national and cultural heritage, as well as the problems of the relationship of various types of art. The discovery and initial investigation of many Azerbaijani monuments and art samples from a scientific point of view, the definition of the architectural schools of Aran, Tabriz and Nakhchivan, and their discovery are directly related to the name of A.Salamzade.

A.Salamzade was a first researcher of the history of urban planning in Azerbaijan prepared a scientific basis for the restoration and preservation of ancient buildings and architectural monuments. The scientist is the author of more than 130 scientific papers, including 15 monographs.

His works such as “The History of Azerbaijani Architecture” (1963), “The Architecture of Azerbaijan in the 16th-19th Centuries” (1964), “Ajami Nakhchivani” (1976), “Nakhchivan School Monuments of Azerbaijani Architecture” (1985) and others contributed a lot contribution to architectural science.

A.Salamzade was engaged in pedagogical and social activities in 1948-1952. He taught for the first time in the department of artistic sciences at the Baku State University, was the supervisor of about 30 doctoral and master's theses. From 1962 until the end of his life he served as deputy chairman.

The Society for the Protection of Historical and Cultural Monuments of Azerbaijan was a member of the board of the Ministry of Culture of Azerbaijan (1966-1971), a member of the Board of Directors of the Union of Architects of the USSR, deputy academician of the Department of Humanitarian and Social Sciences of the Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan.

The state highly appreciated the activity of A.Salamzade. The scientist was awarded the Order of the "Red Banner of Labor", the honorary titles "Honored Builder of the Azerbaijan Republic (1960)" and "Honored Scientist" (1982).

Academician Salamzade Abdulvagab died on August 19, 1983 in Baku.
