Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)

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Shiraliyev Mammadagha Shirali oglu
ANAS acting member Shiraliyev Mammadagha was born on September 19, 1909 in Shamakhi. He was the founder of the school of Azerbaijani dialectology.

From 1931 he worked as head of the department of the Azerbaijan Pedagogical Institute, and from 1943 he became head of the department of Azerbaijani linguistics at Azerbaijan State University. He held the position of Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Philology of the Azerbaijan State University, Vice-Rector for Science, in 1949 he was Director of the Institute of Language of the Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan SSR, director of the Institute of Literature and Language of the Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan SSR, academician-secretary of the Department of Social Sciences of the Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan SSR.

In 1941 M.Shiraliyev received PhD degree. M.Shiraliyevin 1943 received the degree of Doctor of Philology. In 1949 he was elected as a corresponding member, and in 1962 – as an active member of ANAS. In the same year he received the honorary title "Honored Worker of Science".

A prominent scientist is the author of over 100 scientific papers, including the monographs “Fundamentals of Azerbaijani dialectology”, “Baku dialect”, as well as the author of the textbook for secondary schools “Grammar of the Azerbaijani language”, prepared together with M.Huseynzade.

M.Shiraliyevwas the founder of the geography of linguistics in the Azerbaijan philological science. A dialectological atlas of the Azerbaijani language was compiled and published under his leadership.

The fundamental work of a prominent scientist "Fundamentals of Azerbaijani dialectology" was awarded the State Prize of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Academician Shiraliyev Mammadagha died on April 19, 1991 in Baku.
