Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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Tagiev Bahadir Husein oglu

Bahadir Huseyin oglu Tagiyev was born on March 13, 1934 in Turkoba village of Masalli district. He graduated from the Azerbaijan State Pedagogical Institute in 1956 in specialty of Physics.

The scientist began his career at the Institute of Physics of the Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan in 1959, where he worked as a graduate student, research assistant, and laboratory director. From 1996 to 2009, he was a substitute professor at the National Aviation Academy, and since 2009 was the Head of the Department of General and Applied Physics.

B. Taghiyev received his PhD in physics in 1965, in 1978 became a doctor of physics, and in 1984 he earned the title of a professor. He was elected a corresponding member of ANAS in 2001 and an active member in 2014.

The physic scientist has defined for the first time that, mechanism of electrical conductivity is connected via high carrier injection and thermoelectron ionization in the semiconductors with different crystal structures (chain, layered, cubic, etc.), in the range of 77-300K in elementar (selenium) and complex semiconductors and in the strong electric field (10-105 V / cm).

He is the author of 350 scientific articles, including about 40 copyright certificates and patents. Under the guidance of the scientist, 30 PhDs and 10 doctors were trained.

Academician B. Taghiyev was awarded the "Badge of Honor", the Medal of Honorable Work, the State Prize Laureate and the Order of Shohrat for his work in science and education. 

Academician Bahadir Tagiyev died on January 7, 2020.
