Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)

HOME PAGE  >>  Institutes and organizations  >>  Laboratory of "Chemistry and technology of cycloole-fines"

Laboratory of "Chemistry and technology of cycloole-fines"
Phone (+994 12) 4902476  
Fax (+994 12) 4903520  
Chief  Dr. in chemistry Rasulov Chingiz Gnyaz oglu
Total number of employees
Basic activity directions   The synthesis of  chemical additives (antioxidants, stabilizers, oxygenates, inhibitors, medicines,             ligands for catalysts which are used different chemi-cal processes etc.) from alkyl and cycloalkyl phenols and investigation of their physico-chemical proper-ties 
Main scientific achievements  On the basis of the recommendations proposed by the staff of the laboratory  "VNII NP-360" additive  , at "Stavropol-polymer" PU (Budjo-Brestaca c.) "Bisalkofen MTSP"  stabilizer have been commerce-alized " at Anqars-organic synthesis" PU (Angarsk c.)

On the basis of the other recommendations proposed "Nefras 35/135", "Nefras 130/180", White spirit solvents has been commercialized at  "Additives" ATSC in Sumgait.

Based on other  recommendations from  laboratory staff ,the industrial plant was constructed whose productive capacityis 5000 ton permonth  at "Additives " ATSC in Sumgait and have been tested. At the same time ,new ligands for d-blocks metal complexes which are used in the selective oligomeri-zation of olefins process were synthesized from spa-tial distribution of phenolic materials.On the basis of the recommendations industrial plant was constructed whoseproductive capacityis1000 ton per month for  the  production of methyl-tert-butyl ether and ethyl-tert-butyl ether  as an additives for  oil at "Tural-110," Research and Production Company  in Sumgait and tested .On the basis of the recommendations industrial plant was constructed whoseproductive capacity is 1000 tonpermonth  for  the  production of methyl-tert-butyl ether as an additives for  oil at "Tural-110," Research and Production Company  in Sumgait and tested . At the plant , nearly 1000 tons of ethyl tertbutyl ether and methyl tert butyl ether was produced and they were tested as oxygenates  in Ukraine, Poland, Germany, Greece and received positive feedback.According to the criteria of  The Experimental-Industrial Plant of ANAS , complex salt of 2 morp-holinylmetil-5-methylphenol was synthesized and were tested as pesticide for pests  in cultivation at Research institute of viticulture and wine-making of Ministry of Agriculture .The pesticide  has been performed effectively  in field trials in the areas of viticulture institute . The pesticide field trials  is underway .