Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)

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Laboratory of "Spectroscopical analysis"
Phone (+994 12) 4902476 
Fax (+994 12) 4903520  
Chief  Jafarova Rana Alakbar gizi 
Total number of employees 13 
Basic activity directions   For many years the laboratory engages in researches on photo- and radiation-chemical processes and spectral-luminescent properties in organic compounds as well as in oils and oil products. The main directions of researches are given below:

-          Investigated the proper and impurity electronic excitations, recombination processes and luminescense in hallogenides of alkylammonium and alkylphosphonium.

-          With the purpose of rational using of secondary oil refining products (heavy gas oil of catalytic cracking and heavy resin of pyrolysis) and solving of ecologycal problems is obtained oil luminophores and investigated their physical-chemical and spectral-luminescent properties. Determined the areas of application of oil luminophores in a number of science and technique fields. Conducted also researches (in a wide interval of temperature of -196÷3000

С) of products (also radicals) obtained in the result of influence of photoirradiation, radiation, heating and have been studied the converting mechanism and their stages carried out under these influences.

-          the applying of new modern high-sensitive devices received by Institute allowed more thoroughly investigate the organic compounds, oil and oil products by modern physical-chemical methods.

-          by methods of UV-, IR-, NMR-, EPR- spectroscopy and luminescence (photo- and thermo-luminescence) are studied the structure of substances; kinetics and mechanism of various processes that carried out in Institute are conducted qualitative and quantitative analyzes.  
Main scientific achievements 
  1. Developed the scientific bases of obtaining of crystal phosphors new class on the basis of alkylammonium and alkylphosphonium halogenides, activated with ions Tl+, Pb2+, Bi3+ and are shown that they have wider range of variation of spectral-luminescence characteristic in comparison with AHC and АHC- phosphors.
  2. On the bases of complexes of lead haloid salts with primary aliphatic amines are developed a previously unknown class of highly efficient phosphors studied in visible and the near IR region of spectrum and exceeding in the quantum yield of luminescence of many known photo-luminophores.
  3. PbBr2 ·CH3NH2 complex and luminophore on its basis are recommended as an effective converter visible narrowband luminescence  (2,33эВ) not only wider range of UV-rays, but also IR-laser rays (on mechanism of two-photon luminescence).
  4. Developed the scientific bases of luminophores obtaining on the bases of heavy oil residues and is defined that they are reversible accumulators of solar energy, photosensitizers of organic compounds decomposition with hydrogen obtaining, luminescent colorants for polymers, penetrants for capillary defectoscopy, photochromic materials for reversible photochemical processes.
  5. It is defined that oil luminophores unlike synthetics have variables luminescent properties. Showed that from the fractions of heavy oil residues can be obtained luminophores possessing the luminescence color that characteristic for all colors of the rainbow.
  6. In the heavy oil residues are defined not only radicals typical for the resinous-asphaltene substances, but also aromatic hydrocarbons (pery-naphthenic radical). It is shown that under the influence of photoirradiation in these systems occurred not only radicals’ generation, but also their destruction. For the first time defined that the photochromic properties of pery-naphthene radicals.
  7. It is shown that resinous-asphaltene substances of oil are universal antioxidants of oil luminophores and other organic compounds combining in it all the basic mechanisms of stabilization of UV- screening, quenching of molecules excited states and inhibiting of photochemical reactions. 
  8. The luminophore obtained on the basis of heavy gas oil of catalytic cracking is tested and applied in more than 20 enterprises:
  9. “Monokrystalreactiv” (Kharkov city), in “Atommash” (Volgodonsk city), “Neftegasavtomat” (Sumgait city) and etc.