Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)

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Department of Ashig activity
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Elkhan Huseyngulu oghlu Mammadli 

Doctor of philosophy on philology, associate-professor 

Total number of employees 20 
Basic activity directions   The research of Azerbaijani ashug creativity, the collecting, systematization of samples and  preparation for publishing, the studying of the genesis, typology and poetic features of ashug art, the  monographic researches  holding  about some ashugs 
Main scientific achievements  Khasta Gasim. The authors of publication E.Mammadli, S. Gaybaliyeva.  Baku, Nurlan, 2010;

Ch.Mehdizadeh. The school of saz. Baku, “Science and education”, 2012;

S.İsayeva. The poetics of Ashug Shamkir. Baku, “Science and education”, 2012:

Borchali folklore samples. I and II books.

Eposes. Compiler: E.Mammadli, “Science and education”, 2013;

Poet Nabi Borchali. “Sighindım Movlaya”. The authors of publication: Elkhan Mammadli. “Science and  education”, Baku, 2013