Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)

HOME PAGE  >>  Institutes and organizations  >>  Department of “Collecting and systematizing of folklore”

Department of “Collecting and systematizing of folklore”
Phone (+994 12) 4929248   
Fax (+994 12) 4981621  


Rustamzade İlkin Fariz oglu  

PhD in philology 

Total number of employees 14
Basic activity directions   Formation of folklore expeditions, analyses of the collected folklore texts, their systematization according to the genres, protection of the noted examples, compiling and publication of folklore samples 
Main scientific achievements  1. The types of Azerbaijan tales (On the system of Aarne-Tompson). Baku, 2013, 368 p.

2. Garabag: folklore is also a history. Books 1-9, Baku (2012-2014).

3. Folklore examples from Saatli region, Baku, 2014

4. Repertoire of the master tellers. Baku, 2015