Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)

HOME PAGE  >>  Institutes and organizations  >>  Department of Azerbaijan Folklore and Written monuments

Department of Azerbaijan Folklore and Written monuments
Phone (+994 12) 5372433

Chief  Qasımlı Maharram Pasha oghlu 
Total number of employees 14 
Basic activity directions  

According to the “Investigation problem  of Azerbaijani folklore” the Department is occupied with:

a)historical and theoretical problems of Azerbaijani foklore literature;

b)investigation of literary monuments and research of mutual relations of folklore and written literature

Main scientific achievements 

The department published anthologies in many volumes about  tales, epos and ashug poetry at different historical stages.  From this point of view, academic publications such as “Azerbaijani epos” (in 5 volumes), “Koroghlu”, “Azerbaijani ashugs and peoples’ poets” (in 2 volumes) have great scientific-historical importance.