Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)

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Cereal and legume plants department
Phone (+994 12) 5628625 (117)
Fax (+994 12) 4499221 

Chief  Khanbala Nariman oglu Rustamov

PhD in biology, associate professor 

Total number of employees 24 
Basic activity directions   The main directions of the department are enrichment of genepool of cereal and legume plants spread in Azerbaijan through collection, exchange, introduction and hybridization, analysis of quantitative traits of accessions, selection of productive forms and their use in creation of new productive varieties and forms.  Another direction is analysis of genetic diversity of cereal and legume plants based on biomorphologic traits and their passportization and conservation in gene bank. Assessment of heritability of quantitative traits, resistance of plants to abiotic and biotic stresses, study of genetic aspects of resistance and to establish scientific basis for creation of new varieties are also included into activity plans of the department. The activities are also held on establishment of field museum of cereal and legume plant varieties created in Azerbaijan, their overall study to enhance the works on creation of new varieties. To shorten the time in breeding using molecular marker techniques and preparation of methodology on this issues in the future are planned as well. 
Main scientific achievements 

More than 1200 cereal and 400 legume plants were collected, evaluated, characterized, passportizated and conserved in gene bank.

As a result of hybrid analysis stabile forms of which 115 belonged to bread and 64 to durum wheat were selected and included into collection.

According to the results of field and laboratory experiments among studied 53 di- and tetraploid wheat accessions 14 were selected as a high resistant to drought and salinity stresses.

More than 700 accessions collected from different regions of Azerbaijan and belonged to T.dicoccum (Schrank) Schuebl., T.durum  Desf., T. polonicum L., T.aestivum L., T.spelta L., T.compactum Host. species and interspecies hybrids were selected and sown in Gobustan and Absheron experimental stations.  Most of the collected accessions belonged to Asian subspecies. Botanical varieties and forms which are not indicated in the taxonomy were also found.

As initial molecular experiments genetic diversity and genetic relation were investigated in wheat and legume collection using RAPD and SSR markers. High polymorphism and high genetic diversity index were detected for both collection.