Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)

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Geography of land resources of Azerbaijan
Phone (+994 12) 5398348  
Chief  Guliyev Ismayil Ahliman oglu
PhD in agriculture
Total number of employees 16
Basic activity directions   During 50 years the department is engaged in studying of degradation of forest and arid soils, interrelation in system "forest-soil". In Pirqulu permanent establishment problems of biogeocenosis under the International Program «Human and Biosphere» are studied.
Main scientific achievements 

The soil cover of a forest zone of Azerbaijan and the territories exempted from forest was investigated, the large-scale maps are made.

On a basis biogeocenotic researches the interrelation in system a "soil-plant" in stationary and semi stationary conditions was investigated.

Directions of degradation processes of arid soils were determined. On the basis of long-term parameters and efficiency of agricultural plants a degree of degradation and speed of process were investigated.