Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)

HOME PAGE  >>  Institutes and organizations  >>  Department of Planets and minor celestial bodies

Department of Planets and minor celestial bodies

Atai Adalet Abulfat oglu

PhD in physics

Total number of employees 11 
Basic activity directions   Investigation  of atmospheres of planets,study of chemical structure of asteroids, source of of comets and investigation the orbits of artificial satellites of the Earth. 
Main scientific achievements  Characteristics of motion of “hypothetical” comets thrown from the Jupiter and surface of its satellites have been compared with real comets and several similiarities have been revealed. Some cometary catalogues which will play definite role in the cometary cosmogony have been formed.

Peculiarities of comet families, the problem of their source have been investigated.The theory about foundation of the Jupiter, the Saturn,the Uranus comet families has been formed. Such cometary groups have been selected that they can be key in search of unknown planets.”Elertronic catalogue” has been formed recently at ShAO. This catalogue is very useful in solution of some matters on cometary statistics, dynamics and source.

Study of spectra of asteroids in visible range is main problem. Investigation of small planet the Vesta showed that its mineral structure is homogenous.In 1971 for the first time it has been got large scale numerous photos with 2-m telescope while Great Opposition of the Mars planet.

It has been determined that strong storms took place in the Mars, NO2 molecular line has been revealed in its atmosphere during the period of observations. ( In 1970s cosmic apparatuses of the USA drawed the satellite Io and showed that volcanic processes took place in this satellite).One crater of the Mars planet was named after N.Ibrahimov for the results got in the investigation of planets and its satellites.

The comparative investigation of observed geometric albedos of the Uranus and the Neptune have been carried out and it has been shown that the condition(temperature, pressure) in the deep layers of the atmosphere of the Neptune planet is not the same as in the atmosphere of the Uranus planet. Simple atmosphere models have been examined to describe the structure of their atmosphere. In result of comparison of spectra of the Uranus and the Neptune planets it has been proved that monochromatic absorption is weakening in the spectrum of the Neptune and this is more remarkable in strong absorption strip.

There are 25 collaborators in this department (1 MD, 9 PhD, 10 scientific workers and 5 laboratory assistant)

Research of celestial bodies in this department are carrying in two project:

  1. Investigation of non-stationary processes taking place in stars;
  2. Non-stationary processes in young stars.

Main objects and directions of investigations:

  1. Supergiant stars belonging of different lumi