Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)

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Iron Ages archaeology department
Phone (+994 12) 5108419 

Hasanov Zaur Hasan oglu  

Doctor of Philosophy in History 
Total number of employees 8
Basic activity directions   The study of ancient monuments of Azerbaijan. 
Main scientific achievements 

On the basis of the archaeological investigations of the different regions of Azerbaijan the colleagues of the department identified valuable finds in the field of ancient societies, forming of ancient states, economic and cultural relations. At present, our colleagues carry out joint excavations together with South Korean archaeologist in Gabala, as well as together with German, Georgian and Russian specialists in Shamkir region. Since 2014, Belgian specialists also joint to Shamkir excavations. Therefore, employees of our department were investigated valuable monuments in Nakhchivan and Lerik regions.

The results of the research prove that Azerbaijan State of Caucasian Albania formed in the 4 th century BC. There was high developed urban culture in Azerbaijan during Antique period.

At this period Azerbaijan kept cultural and economic relations with different states. On the basis of the written sources in the 1 st century AD there was natural trade in Albania. In the results of later research there was proved that in the 3 rd century BC there was minted local silver coins in Albania. In the Antique period Azerbaijan joined to the world trade and part of international routes crossed through our territory.

The colleagues of our department participate in different international conferences; make interesting speeches at these conferences, published scientific articles in the local and international journals.