Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)

HOME PAGE  >>  Institutes and organizations  >>  "Numismatics and epigraphy" department

"Numismatics and epigraphy" department
Phone (+994 12) 5393649  
Fax (+994 12) 5108419  

Akif Arif oglu Guliyev  

Doctor of Philosophy in History 

Total number of employees
Basic activity directions  

Study coinage and monetary Azerbaijan, definition coins found during archaeological investigation, training in numismatics, and prepress multivolume "Catalogue of Azerbaijani coins." 

The investigation of the epigraphic monuments of Azerbaijan.
Main scientific achievements 

Prepared by 6 specialists (PhD in history) in the numismatics.

Employees of the department published 17 monographs, 250 scientific articles.

Prepared to publish catalogs of coins discovered in Achsah Shamakhi, Baku, Barda, Ganja, Kurdamir, Jalilabad, Sheki, Kabale and Ismailly Shemkir.

Employees of the department were scientific reports in international conferences in Turkey, Russia, Germany, France, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan. 

Investigations had been done on the inscriptions of the arabic, persian and turkish languages upon the copper objects, archaeological materials, burial grave stones, art monuments of the Medival period of Azerbaijan, according to these works, important research investigations had been carried out on the study of the social, political and economical history of the Medieval period of Azerbaijan.