Basic activity directions |
- Inter- civilization relations between the East- West and Azerbaijan;
- Geopolitical and culturological aspects of the attitudes of East and West;
-East and West ‘s different areas comparative and multilateral analysis;
- Analysis of perception of the western culture by the Eastern countries, history and experience of relations between the East and West;
-Examination of the influence of western values and globalization on political, economic, cultural and social processes;
-Comparison and comprehensive analysis of various features of the eastern and western civilizations;
- Research into international relations through the context of mutual relations between “ East-West” countries;
-Analysis of present –day processes in the East through the context of “East-West” relations
Main scientific achievements |
- A. Azimov. İshragie (illumination) and the genesis of modern Western philosophy. Baku, “Yeni nasil” publishing house, 2003, 230p.
- D. Valiev. The integration of Azerbaijan to global economics. Monography, Baku, “Adiloglu” publishing house, 2008, 428 p.
- D. Valiev.The International economics. Baku, “Elm” publising house, 2012, 400 p.
- D. Valiev. Turkish world in the way of de-velopment of global economics (collection of articles), Baku, “Zardabi” publising house, 2015, 504p.
- M. Babashli. The revelation of hearts. Imam Gazali. Translation, Baku, “East-West” publishing house, 2011, 600p.
- M. Babashli (co-author), Arabic-Azerbai-jani dictionary: political, military terms and the names of international organizations. Qafqaz University publications, Baku, 2012, 280 p.
- M. Babashli (co-author), At-Tarig ilal- Arabiya (teaching of Arabic language to non- Arabs). I part. Qafqaz University publication. Baku. 2016, 132 p.
- M. Khamidov. Whisper of eyelashes. Mi-khael Nuaime. Translation from Arabian language. Baku. 2014, “Elm ve tahsil” publishing house. 236 p.
- M.Khamidov. Music of Khazar (poem collection). Hasan Hami (ambassador of Kingdom Marocco in Azerbaijan, writer). Translation from Arabian language. Publishment “Mutarjim”, Baku 2016. 152 p.