Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)

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Department of East and West
Phone (+994 12) 4081160; (+994 50) 6775042  

Mammadali Babashli

Doctor of  theology

Total number of employees 11
Basic activity directions  

- Inter- civilization relations between the East- West and Azerbaijan;

- Geopolitical and culturological aspects of the attitudes of East and West; 

-East and West ‘s different areas comparative and multilateral  analysis;

- Analysis of perception of the western culture by the Eastern countries, history and experience of relations between the East and West;

-Examination of the influence of western values and globalization on political, economic, cultural and social processes;

 -Comparison and comprehensive analysis of various features of the eastern and western civilizations;

- Research into international relations through the context of mutual relations between “ East-West” countries;

-Analysis of present –day processes in the East through the context of  “East-West” relations

Main scientific achievements 
  1. A. Azimov. İshragie (illumination) and the genesis of modern Western philosophy. Baku, “Yeni nasil” publishing house, 2003, 230p.
  2. D. Valiev. The integration of Azerbaijan to global economics. Monography, Baku, “Adiloglu” publishing house, 2008, 428 p.
  3. D. Valiev.The  International economics. Baku, “Elm” publising house, 2012, 400 p.
  4. D. Valiev. Turkish world in the way of de-velopment of global economics (collection of articles), Baku, “Zardabi” publising house, 2015, 504p.
  5. M. Babashli. The revelation of hearts. Imam Gazali. Translation, Baku, “East-West” publishing house, 2011, 600p.
  6. M. Babashli (co-author), Arabic-Azerbai-jani dictionary: political, military terms and the names of international organizations. Qafqaz University publications, Baku, 2012, 280 p.
  7. M. Babashli (co-author), At-Tarig ilal- Arabiya (teaching of Arabic language to non- Arabs). I part. Qafqaz University publication. Baku. 2016, 132 p.
  8. M. Khamidov. Whisper of eyelashes. Mi-khael Nuaime. Translation from Arabian language.  Baku. 2014,  “Elm ve tahsil” publishing house. 236 p.
  9. M.Khamidov. Music of Khazar (poem collection). Hasan Hami (ambassador of Kingdom Marocco in Azerbaijan, writer). Translation from Arabian language.  Publishment  “Mutarjim”, Baku 2016. 152 p.